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  • #16106

    most of u know me i dont promote anything

    but if you suffer from tired eyes and dark circles under your eyes try avon vibe pen
    tell u see results in 3 days i thought blah blah but got it anyway lol

    im female what can i say

    it works daughter and neice noticed difference in my eyes in two days and on third day daughter said wow that really has made ur eyes look fresh an no dark rings

    im gonna stock pile the stuff lol


    @thistle-fem-1964 wrote:

    most of u know me i dont promote anything

    but if you suffer from tired eyes and dark circles under your eyes try avon vibe pen
    tell u see results in 3 days i thought blah blah but got it anyway lol

    im female what can i say

    it works daughter and neice noticed difference in my eyes in two days and on third day daughter said wow that really has made ur eyes look fresh an no dark rings

    im gonna stock pile the stuff lol

    is it like the garnier caffeine and concealer stick?


    @tinks wrote:

    @thistle-fem-1964 wrote:

    most of u know me i dont promote anything

    but if you suffer from tired eyes and dark circles under your eyes try avon vibe pen
    tell u see results in 3 days i thought blah blah but got it anyway lol

    im female what can i say

    it works daughter and neice noticed difference in my eyes in two days and on third day daughter said wow that really has made ur eyes look fresh an no dark rings

    im gonna stock pile the stuff lol

    is it like the garnier caffeine and concealer stick?

    its not a concealor its for stopping ur eyes look tired and only £7 lol


    @thistle-fem-1964 wrote:

    @tinks wrote:

    @thistle-fem-1964 wrote:

    most of u know me i dont promote anything

    but if you suffer from tired eyes and dark circles under your eyes try avon vibe pen
    tell u see results in 3 days i thought blah blah but got it anyway lol

    im female what can i say

    it works daughter and neice noticed difference in my eyes in two days and on third day daughter said wow that really has made ur eyes look fresh an no dark rings

    im gonna stock pile the stuff lol

    is it like the garnier caffeine and concealer stick?

    its not a concealor its for stopping ur eyes look tired and only £7 lol

    Whats in it ?


    Says 12ml but not what of :?
    I love how they use photos of models who have never had a dark circle under their eyes in their lives! :lol:


    thanks for that jen_jen……..

    i’m just a bit curious and a bit concerned about rollin something like that on skin around the eyes thats so delicate………short term may have the desired effect but long term?……….who knows


    As a sufferer of imsomnia, im the queen of concealers lol and have tried almost every one on the market…the best one i have found is Benefit Erase Paste..which is included in the best kit ever…Benefits confessions of a concealaholic…includes everything u need to cover dark circles!!



    Anyone got any tips for permanent puffy/bags that never really seem to go away?!


    @anc wrote:

    Anyone got any tips for permanent puffy/bags that never really seem to go away?!

    Depends on the cause but try the following:

    Try applying some hemorrhoid cream under the thin skin of the eye – yes, seriously! It contains anti-inflammatory agents that can help alleviate puffy eyes and is gentle enough to be put on the skin around the eyes.

    Several times a day gently tap the skin where it’s puffy, starting from the inside and working out. This helps release and drain any fluid build up.

    Apply cold compresses to your eyes. You can get gel filled eyepacks but used chamomile tea bags that have been chilled in the fridge are just as effective, as are cold spoons. And of course there’s the age old remedy of cucumber slices but you’ll have to get the cucumber off bornfree first :wink:

    Stop drinking, or reduce, tea, coffee, fizzy drinks and anything containing artificial sweeteners.

    Get at least 8 hours sleep a night.

    Don’t apply moisturiser inside the orbital bone. If you use an eye cream, make sure it’s the right one and not too rich.

    How’s that? :lol:


    @anc wrote:

    Anyone got any tips for permanent puffy/bags that never really seem to go away?!

    Well unfortunately Martin doesn’t delete any accounts Anc so no tips, we will just have to put up with you :lol:

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