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    that some people, they know who they are, would stop pissing about. It’s past it’s sell by date.

    Really makes you wonder what goes through people’s deranged minds to want to sit at a PC on your mother’s lap creating multiple names, whilst safe in the knowledge everyone knows who it is because of the appalling diction.

    Come on kids, you know who you are, at least attempt – in coherent sentences (of which I guess is asking a bit much) – to explain what enjoyment you get out of doing it. Or is it a case of friday night in the pub, oh never what I pissed him/her off *giggle* oh did you I pissed him off and managed to get his MSN address *thumps table ha hah hah*.

    F*ucking hysterical.


    Errrr no, they are like piles, they keep coming back.


    @Lambrini Girl wrote:

    By reacting as you have you are giving said people more ammunition. I am not sure I know who you are talking about, but that’s irrelevant. They know, and therefore they also know they have got under your skin.

    As everybody else has said on these boards, the best way to deal with them is to ignore them. They obviously get a kick out of the attention they are getting …. Easy …… Stop giving them the attention!

    Actually Lamby, I think said people are so obsessed and addicted to causing meyhem and grief in chat forums that nothing anyone says is going to prevent them from doing it. And as far as ignoring them and they’ll go away.. erm.. i doubt that would work. They just get more and more invasive the more you ignore them. The ony thing that will stop them is a permanent ban. And.. for some reason, at Just Chat, permanent bans are not possible.


    well exactly, and no one seems to want to wipe out the gob culture.

    Nuff said.


    @pedant64 wrote:

    well exactly, and no one seems to want to wipe out the gob culture.

    Nuff said.

    Maybe it’s time the staff took the asylum back :lol: :lol:



    pedant would start acting like a man & not a gender bender !!!


    Today I wish there were more hours in the day…


    I wish i knew who Tiggy was :lol:


    @stevenage_f wrote:

    I wish i knew who Tiggy was :lol:

    Me too… :lol: :lol:


    i didnt still have a tummy bug :(

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