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  • #505927

    Katie, Crazy Cow, Queen Elizabeth, Little Bo Peep, does anyone really care??

    (clearly a few do….)



    People moaning about rain.

    The joy of empty roads because mothers everywhere can leave their mumtrucks at home.


    Overgrown garden



    @danny2011 wrote:

    yeah once a crappy hello lol then disappeared tinks i thought we were bonding lol im gonna masturbate my sadness over a mag bye tinks :(

    Tinks you must be so proud of your boy…..


    @mucky1234 wrote:


    Joined: 08 Jun 2011
    Posts: 38

    Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:06 am

    It took two years for the guys in the local boozer to say hello to me. F2 has that feel…………

    I said this six months ago. Can’t say things have changed that much since………

    Have the guys in the pub still not said hi to you??

    Seriously, when forum 2 is written off as being unfriendly what is it being compared to?
    Forum 1 maybe? At the best of times this forum resembles a Bugsy Malone custard pie fight with schoolyard insults thrown in. Does the pie throwing stop when people walk in and do the natives flock to say hi?

    Perhaps forum3, which by all accounts has factions wishing the apocalypse on each other. Do the chatters in there stop sticking voodoo pins in dolls for long enough to say hi to a newcomer?

    I think that problem, if it is a problem, crosses all forums. If someone wants to fit in they will make the effort. Simple.

    As for forum 2 being empty, well, the answer is simple. Regulars have left for one reason or another, and nobodies taken their place. Frankly i’d rather it was quiet then be filled with lunatic overspill from 1 and 3.


    @rogue trader wrote:

    ive just been reading a few of your threads delilah, are you ok luv? anything we can do for you?,theres a lot of people rather concerned about you.

    I think if you take all the posts as a whole, stand on your head and then read between the lines cross-eyed, than there is some sort of hidden masonic message there.



    @rogue trader wrote:

    i sort of know where des is coming from but his was a bit of a sweeping statement, its like he is saying all blokes should like rugby and the grand prix etc and all women should like weepy movies and bargain hunt,not to mention the milf of all milf shows loose women, i enjoy a good dollop of soaps, i only watch 3 though,corrie,e/e and emmers other than that i dont watch much apart from sport, all in all it would be a sad world if we all liked the same film,comedian,song,food etc there as to be some diversity in life,i mean god forbid what if we all had the same favourite chatter :D

    Absolutely. That’s why I added the disclaimer ‘in general’ and ‘of course there are exceptions’

    I used to have to watch Eastenders years ago. Being born in the East end of London I can freely admit that I never aspired to be a market trader, night club boss or gangsta. By all accounts the program is even more detached from reality these days. But perhaps that is the point….
    I tend to watch alot of documentaries that most would find as boring and tedious as hell 8)


    @sceptical guy wrote:

    and men don’t watch crap tv???? or talk crap??!!!???

    Men, in general, will watch completely different sorts of TV to women. Men will think that women watch crap TV and visa versa. Men tend to watch sports, women think sports are crap. Women watch soaps, men think soaps are crap. Obviously there are exceptions…

    Apologies for talking ‘in general’ but I’m biased because I’m a man

    Never said anything about talking crap so I’ve taken the insult on the chin.
    Like a man!


    Speaking personally here. When you have only ever truly loved one person its easy to think that they are the ONE for you. That they are the ONLY one who can make you happy and they are the only one you will ever really love. Because of this its all too easy to pause on that forward walk of life and consider turning back. But an ex is an ex for a reason. If this all happened in recent times, say, within the last few years than you will both essentially be the same people and so the reasons for the split will still be relevant. If however it was a long time ago then that that person will have moved on and certainly wont be the person you loved. Perhaps in your case its the former.
    The whole thing is a minefield and despite the pleas for caution sometimes your heart will pull you in a certain direction. Heart over head. Its an age old conundrum and there’s no answer that applies to all.
    If you’re going to gamble than make sure its your decision alone.


    Woman generally tend to watch crap TV

    But why would a man grown watch eastenders?


    Make that a double whoops!!

    I really must visit the graveyard more often….

    Happy Birthday Lucy xxxx

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