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  • #1007009

    (once an avid supporter of Hitler, like some in f3).

    Totally avoided the question.

    No one listens to, or respects people who type garbage like this. These brainwashing ‘cults’ don’t use gentle persuasion, or verifiable facts to get their point over, so they attempt to bulldoze their views on everyone else. That their ideology is pure and only their ideology.




    I can see the point of the people who are defending the independence of the judiciary against the organised backlash led by Brexit papers like the Mail (once an avid supporter of Hitler, like some in f3).

    Would you care to elaborate on this comment or was it another one of you snidey sideswipes scep ? The Daily Mail like The Sun is NOT a newspaper it’s a comic. ;-)

    Read the thread, arc. As Reason noted, it was Dominic Grieve, the Tory ex-Attorney General, who drew the parallel. I am not a Tory, but I see the point here. Three High Court Justices unanimously dedided that the Crown-in-Parliament should control Brexit, not the Crown (through its agent, the Governemnt) in isolation from Parliament. The Mail, the Sun, the Express etc launched a vitriolic attack on the judges, while leading UKIP figures called for action to be mobilised against the ruling. The Bar Council decided it was an unprecedented attack on the independence of the judiciary, and the rule of law. The called on th Lord Chancellor, Liz truss, to denounce this attack. She hasn’t done so, apart from a late and lame defence of the British judiciary as the pride of the world. The Bar Council is not happy about her. There is a blatant attempt to bully the Supreme Court to back the government appeal. That’s why Truss refuses to denounce these people. We’ll have to see if it works. The goernemnt ought to make its case more clear if they want to win, whihc is still possible without bullying.

    Jeeze scep are you deliberately acting like a twonk ….. I was refering to snidey comment about F3 users & Hitler  NOT the stupid bloody article!


    My god I dispair …. why do you  make your stupid snidey remarks then hide behind comic book quotes or try insult my reading ability!

    Fact we each have an opinion that might differ but only you have the abilty to sling mud & insult constantly if YOU dont agree.

    The referendum was held .. the people voted the result realeased & now it’s being sat on in the hope that parliment can over rule the vote is about the size of it in MY opinion. I’m entitled to MY opinion as you are.


    (once an avid supporter of Hitler, like some in f3). Totally avoided the question. No one listens to, or respects people who type garbage like this. These brainwashing ‘cults’ don’t use gentle persuasion, or verifiable facts to get their point over, so they attempt to bulldoze their views on everyone else. That their ideology is pure and only their ideology.

    Eureka !!!!!


    (once an avid supporter of Hitler, like some in f3)

    that was what saw hidden amongst the political shyte !!!!! :yahoo:   :yahoo:





    Is it just me or is politics boring shite


     there is  some  confusion generally, for example  T Blair didn’t check with parliament  before taking us into a war.   there is much pressure  to reverse the referendum  and that ought to be  not allowed to occur.  right or wrong whichever way you see it it was a vote and vote was clear.  after all when we vote   and MP in we don’t  have a second go at  voting in case we got it wrong!    yes  consequences  economically will occur as EU has  openly stated Uk must be punished for leaving.   this is a pain we must suffer in order to have a democracy.  all hinges around it seems ‘open borders’.  EU hinted  if we  carry on  paying for membership benefits ( increasing year on year)  and allow unrestricted  movement of people  we can have free trade  ( in short we never leave) . since  the main thrust of UK  would appear to be wanting  immigration controlled ( not stopped)   this is simply at odds with EU and is  unreasonable though  attempts are being mad dot fudge it e.g.  restricting numbers to several hundred thousand a year instead of unrestricted etc  sort of a way of saying you did leave  but in fact  didn’t .  democracy itself now hinges on one  pivot point. if  we do leave as Uk voted then  it wins, if we fudge it or run another referendum  there isn’t a democracy.


    There was a referendum.. the people decided… **** parliament and the judges

    That’s it in a nutshell.


    There was a referendum.. the people decided… **** parliament and the judges

    That’s it in a nutshell.

    That’s precisely the point.

    Parliament will vote for Brexit – a referendum dcided it.

    The judges did not rule on Brexit. They ruled on how Brexit will be negotiated – not by the Crown, but by the Crown-in-Parliament, in accordance with the established Bill of Rights.

    The referendum merely decided that Britain should leave the EU. Nothng more; nothing less.

    To try to take it out of the hands of Parliament and give the process over to the Mail, or to the people’s Toff, or to any remainers is destroying the Constitution and replacing it with the will of the bully. Nobody voted for that. That’s what the independence of the judiciary is so important – they interpret the Constitution, in the same way that they interpret what constitutes a murder – not the murderer.

    A referendum can be reversed – either by a general election or by another referendum. But there is no big shift in public opinion to justify any claim that the referendum should be reversed. Brexit is going ahead – but unless the Supreme Court decides otherwise, it comes under parliamentary scrutiny.

    That’s why attemtps are being made to bully the Supreme Court. Not everyone believes that the will of the bully should be stopped.



    Oh brilliant, so now it could cost at least another hundred and forty two million pounds to hold another referendum that after all the scaremongering will probably lead to us staying in the EU. The foookin toffs are determined to get their way one way or another.


    I’m not in favour of another referendum, Reason, and there’s little demand for one, unless there is a decisive shift of mood among the British public to remain or rejoin the EU, and even then a general election will be enough.

    But if you want to see where the toffs are – try jacob Rees-Mogg, Sir Edward leigh, Borish Johnson, Nigel Farage etc etc etc

    This is not about whether there should be Brexit. There will be, barring a decisive shift in public mood.

    It’s about whether Brexit is subject to Parliament’s oversight. Simple. Gina Miller is a heroine, on a par with John Hampen in standing up to bullies.


    There’s a hell of a lot more toffs than the few you name, add them to the middle/upper class spoilt brats and there’s a lot of influential dummy spitters.

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