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  • #9841

    Today they go back to school round here.
    So back on the phone for 7 hours aday.
    Bet Ugo will be my first caller??
    Money, Money, Money


    oor kids aff till awk on mon…!!! weird easter holidays this yr…


    still off here = so am I = not complaining 8)


    I went in today to see what the building works were like…. err not good.

    I go back to work tomorrow….and let the lil bleeders in! :lol: I do miss them really… :shock:


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    I went in today to see what the building works were like…. err not good.

    I go back to work tomorrow….and let the lil bleeders in! :lol: I do miss them really… :shock:

    aww bless lol, what age are the ones you teach?


    Ours are on their second week back! 8) No holliberries until may now! 8)


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    I went in today to see what the building works were like…. err not good.

    I go back to work tomorrow….and let the lil bleeders in! :lol: I do miss them really… :shock:

    aww bless lol, what age are the ones you teach?

    Mainly the 3/4 year olds but i do teach up to 7years. 8)


    They are always bloody off school ! Do they ever go ? no wonder we got a bunch of retards in school ffs oh and dont forget teacher training day where the teachers sit on their fat butts talking a load of cack and drink coffee all day ! kids should be at school from 8 in morning to 6 at night with 4 weeks hols to be taken when they want.


    @chickenman wrote:

    They are always bloody off school ! Do they ever go ? no wonder we got a bunch of retards in school ffs oh and dont forget teacher training day where the teachers sit on their fat butts talking a load of cack and drink coffee all day ! kids should be at school from 8 in morning to 6 at night with 4 weeks hols to be taken when they want.

    victor meldrew!

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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