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  • #517323

    Dearest Rusty,

    I do hope that’s not too forward of me but each correspondence we exchange makes me feel increasingly close to you, almost as if I had known you for years. Your words paint a picture of you that no artist could ever hope to capture on canvas and each missive adds more features to be explored.

    I do admire your attention to limiting your expenditure; I trust this means that you have sufficient funds deposited in case of a rainy day? I do think this is important when you don’t have any kith or kin to look after you in times of need. You did say that you weren’t close to your family didn’t you? I understand the loneliness that arises in such a situation as my family are no longer with us, however they did all make generous provision for me in their wills which softened the blow each time one of them had an accident. Its strange how all the family has been so accident prone apart from me, I guess that makes me the black sheep of the family. However I have now adopted the attitude that my friends are my family and I am lucky to have chosen loving and generous friends even if they all seem to be accident prone too. Unfortunately my one remaining living friend has decided to take out an injunction on me and has been spreading malicious untruths about my whereabouts when each of my much missed friends has met their end. I can only assume that she is jealous of the generosity that each showed me in their wills.

    Regarding your Eau de Stilton, please elaborate; is it the Blue edition, the White edition, or the festive Fruity White edition? I have to admit that I didn’t expect to find another man with an epicurean taste in aftershaves after losing my 17th husband. Please tell me that you don’t have Eau de Marmite in your collection though as I have a large bottle left by him that is looking for an appreciative home, he only used it the once before choking to death in a manner quite unexplained.

    Being the lady that I am I could not, of course, admit to knowing of the film that you allude to, indeed I must protest at such an insinuation and direct you to the Disney film of the same name. I do understand though that both films are loosely based on the same story and it may be interesting to make a comparison some time…only in the interests of broadening my knowledge you understand, not for any purposes of titillation. I cannot condone titillation outside of marriage which, of course, is conditional on a will being made that ensures that, as a loving wife, I am not left destitute should my beloved die before me.

    With regards to the servicing, please don’t worry about that, I am a very capable woman with many contacts and I’ll soon have the matter in hand if you’re happy for me to take control in that area.

    Did I tell you of my contacts in the art world? My sitting with Pablo Warhol is at his instigation as he has seen other paintings of me. I wonder if your playing card that reminds you of me might be based on one of those paintings? Andy Rubens captured my image so well, another man who was drawn to, and wanted to draw, my ample assets and he did so like me to dress up for him and he loved incorporating food into his art, I learnt so much about how to handle a Flake from him and he brought out my adventurous side although I did have to draw the line the day he brought a marrow into the studio. Your playing card could well have been one of his works.

    Your skill in writing does entertain me, please don’t make me wait too long for you reply…oh dear, I did say I didn’t beg didn’t I? Look at the effect you’re having on my in such a short space of time. I am quite overcome!

    Yours blushingly,
    J xx

    P.S. Don’t worry about Mrs T, I understand that since becoming a grandmother sales in gripe water have soared in her town and not much of it is taken by her grandchild. Not only that but her husband has taken to marking the sherry decanter. She did tell you about her husband didn’t she? I understand he is quite senior in the Yorkshire Mafia and may have had something to do with the recent beef burger scandal…whenever they do the horse head in the bed thing it’s his responsibility to dispose of the horse’s body. Say no more :wink:


    Dearest Rusty,

    I am so sorry, that last letter was much longer than I anticipated. I do hope that you managed to finish reading it before your horlicks took effect.

    Yours affectionately,

    Jen xx


    Dear Mr Trawler .
    This letter will be short but sweet , bit like me really im not a person to overdo it on letter writing ill just get straight to the point. I would be honoured to be you’re valentine date no chocolates or flowers needed , just the fine company of a very lovely man like reading Jens application im not perfect but am sure by the end of the evening shud be quite an interesting one.
    hope to hear from you soon
    kindest regards

    PS… cheques in the post …… winks ;)


    @cheekylittleminx wrote:

    Dear Mr Trawler .
    This letter will be short but sweet , bit like me really im not a person to overdo it on letter writing ill just get straight to the point. I would be honoured to be you’re valentine date no chocolates or flowers needed , just the fine company of a very lovely man like reading Jens application im not perfect but am sure by the end of the evening shud be quite an interesting one.
    hope to hear from you soon
    kindest regards

    PS… cheques in the post …… winks ;)

    Dear CheekyLittleMinx (now there’s a name to get your letter to the top of the pile),

    Many thanks for your application.

    There’s a lot to be said for the short, concise entreaty. I, too, am a man of brevity when the occasion dictates – mostly I’m rendered speechless in the boudoir, which is exactly why I have recently banished all mirrors, clandestine audio recording equipment and camouflaged cameras.

    May I say that I’m extremely appreciative that you’re a straight to the point, less is more type of lady? Simply because many has been the occasion where my ‘less’ in the boudoir has induced a risible response from female visitors. I sense you’re a lady of great compassion, understanding and sensitivity, nonetheless it is a prerequisite that I ask if you are willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement: I have been known to have a rather liberal approach with the truth and, like the amateur fisherman, I’m not adverse to exaggeration. I’d hate for my sobriquet ‘jumbo’ to be identified as the blatant lie that it obviously is.

    I appreciate your understanding that chocolates and flowers are a superfluous expense and often considered a procrastinating preamble to the main event. However, I’m rarely described as a ‘very lovely man’ and the words ‘cad’, ‘bounder’ and ‘kindly remove your hand from my knee’ are oft-quoted in near proximity to my name, so I may stretch to the expense of a CurlyWurly to express my heartfelt gratitude.


    Rusty Trawler


    Dear Miss Jen

    Please forgive the extended formality but I’m an old-fashioned gentleman of old-fashioned virtue and a lady remains a lady until she musters the courage to visit my humble abode unchaperoned for the first time. I dare say once you have stepped over that particular figurative Rubicon you will question why my good name has been besmirched with ill-repute. Can I draw your attention to the non-disclosure agreement that I deftly mentioned to CheekyLittleMinx? It has taken years to cultivate this image of mystery and menace, and I’d hate to have to start from scratch.

    I’ve been disowned by my family because of my inability to squire a suitable heir to the Trawler estate. I’ll spare you the details as they are a tad embarrassing, I’ll merely remind you of the need to sign that non-disclosure agreement post haste so we can move on to the next stage of our relationship. I’m extremely keen to explore the exploring of the features you mentioned.

    I’m sorry to hear about your familial misfortune and I’m inspired to paraphrase Lady Bracknell: to lose one parent is a bit shoddy; losing them all has a bit of a bunny boiler air about it.

    What a coincidence about the playing card. That particular card has always been considered to be the first among equals. In fact I have adequate confidence that my sentiments will be reciprocated when I divulge how much I loathe to be parted from it for even the shortest period of time. So much so that you will invariably find it ensconced in my trouser pocket when I’m in transit.

    Many thanks for kind offer of the king size bottle of Eau de Marmite. I appreciate the gesture but I don’t think you’re ready to part with it: I’m sure that you now fondly associate those yeasty notes with memories of your dear departed husband – number 17, you say? Something tells me I will learn more about even more deceased husbands with each passing correspondence.

    It seems Mrs Teapot has undertaken to do what my trusty man servant calls a ‘runner’. Perhaps it’s all for the best since her husband is a Mr Big in the Yorkshire underworld, but I sense I would have liked to have been ‘pulled’.

    With fondest regards,

    Rusty Trawler

    P.S: did you mention ample assets again?


    Mr Trawler.

    Well what an eventful 24 hours it has been since I first replied to your appeal.

    I accepted all that you said in good faith; now I realise that I should have been more circumspect in my responses but your reassurances about your communication with your friend at Interpol lulled me into a false sense of security.

    Let me explain. After our first couple of exchanges I noticed that there were even more large swarthy men with a habit of speaking into their lapels around me than usual. I did begin to worry that Mrs Teapot might have spun her husband a yarn about me to see off the competition and it might be his henchmen so I hurried home – she had given up far too easily for my liking. I was immediately aware that someone had been into my penthouse apartment in my absence as the fine blonde hair from my own head that I had placed across the door frame and door had disappeared. I am so thankful to my good friend Reggie Bond for showing me that trick.

    It didn’t take me long to discover the hidden microphone in the vase of flowers that had mysteriously appeared, or the tiny camera hidden in the eyes of the portrait that David Picasso had kindly painted of me.

    Mr Trawler, or whatever your name is, I also have contacts in Interpol so I called in a few favours…I have rather depleted these of late so I also had to promise a few favours but a lady doesn’t discuss those. Imagine my surprise and disappointment to discover that this is all a ruse, a honey trap, set by your not so good self to entrap me. How cunning of you to claim a friend in Interpol when you yourself work for that institution! How evil of you to try to win my heart in such a calculating fashion, after all the misfortune that I have suffered in my life.

    I have also been tipped off that CheekyLittleMinx is none other than your ever obliging secretary (very obliging I hear, and not just with you, she’s quite popular at most of the East European embassy parties and her party trick with Polish sausage is quite the talk of the town).

    To think that our correspondence only began because I felt ever so slightly sorry for you! Your words found a way into my heart though and whilst my heart is ever so slightly broken I am so relieved to have found you out now before things have gone too far.

    Please don’t try to find me, I am leaving the country within the next 5 minutes with husband number 18. It was a bit of a whirlwind romance but he has promised to look after me starting with taking me to warmer climes in his private jet. Did I mention that he is a world-renowned cosmetic surgeon? He has promised to remove all traces of Ann Widdicombe from my appearance and also to ensure I look more like the slimmer version of Dawn French than the, shall we say, more curvaceous version. Should we ever meet again I doubt that you will recognise me, and I think I might be careful to ensure that husband 18 doesn’t encounter any accidents for a while, he may well be a very useful man to have around.

    So it is with some sadness (once again note the emphasis on some, i.e. I dabbed my dry eyes with a fine lace handkerchief, just for effect) that I bid you adieu.

    Never to be yours,
    Miss Jen aka the Black Widow

    P.S. I have passed your home address and a copy of the large dossier that Interpol have on you (yes, your abuse of your position to lure unsuspecting innocent women into your boudoir, along with some of the less savoury practices that you employ there have been noted, along with photographic evidence that was quite eye opening) to Mrs Teapot’s husband. I have, of course, kept the original dossier to myself for insurance purposes. I also forwarded him the dossier that you had compiled on him and I understand he is involved with laying the foundations for a very large new retirement home that’s being built in the Yorkshire Dales so you may find yourself going on a one-way trip very soon. Bon voyage Mr Trawler.


    Dear Lusty Caller

    I too have been left on the shelf and once again be on my own on Valentines Day.

    You sound like the kind of man I would love to share the rest of my life with, my mum promises she won’t interfere with any more of my relationships and has assured me I will be allowed to go out on a date without her in tow. Her legs aren’t what they used to be.

    I am 49 years old, 5’6, have jet black hair which looks so natural after a colour treatment. My hobbies are signing up for every dating site on the internet possible, volounteering in the hospital shop, which I do once a week for an hour after my weekly appointments. My psychiatrist said it would help me come out of my shell and give me a new confidence. I never thought sellling a quarter of mint humbugs could be so much fun.
    Mummys really proud of me.

    I am quite shy and don’t know what else to say, but if you decide you would like a few more letters before we actually meet, I will ask one of my 196 best friends from an internet site I use when mummys asleep called Just Chat. The people in there are so caring and understanding and often say they wish I would find a bloke so I can stop going into the room.

    Bye for now



    *Throws hat in*


    love it xx


    Dear Mrs Jen

    My last letter seems to have aroused your displeasure. I’m not entirely sure why, but please permit me the opportunity to allay any fears and concerns you may currently harbour. I assure you that my intentions remain, as always, entirely honourable.

    Firstly, in a bid to maintain a scintilla of the gentlemanly charm and good grace I regularly boast of, may I congratulate you on your recent nuptials? I remain in awe of your ability to find husbands in the most unlikely of places. Perhaps other ladies should maintain a vigilant outlook around their husbands and fiancés or, at the very least, try not to so casually misplace them. Please Forgive my lack of manners if I don’t extend the customary ‘lucky man’ salutations to the groom, but I envisage that his good fortune may soon take a drastic turn for the worse.

    Those swarthy men that have come to your attention in greater numbers recently are not Interpol officers or members of the Yorkshire mafia (for future reference, the latter are easily identified by their fondness for illegal whippet racing and the desire to sell prohibited home-brewed cases of the last of summer wine). They were actually my brethren from the JC Gentleman’s Club. They thought the serendipity of my finding one as special as you on the notice boards of a notorious chat room rather incredulous and needed physical proof.

    I’m ashamed to admit it but after each letter seemed to make our special connection more and more palpable, I’m afraid I once again took a rather liberal attitude with the truth. You do of course remember my favourite playing card, the one with a remarkable likeness to your beautiful visage (your preternatural features notwithstanding)? I’m sure you will also recall I never leave home without it. Well, I have taken to proudly showing it to members of the club and as their faces contorted into one writhing mass of jealousy I may have said… well, I may have said that you’re my current paramour.

    Men being what we are I was unable to refrain from embellishing the narrative. I’ll spare you the details but now they all think I’m much lither and flexible than I really am. Not to mention my amazing bouts of stamina. Don’t worry I took the pains to reserve your dignity: I said that on each occasion (I think double digits may have been mentioned) we ensured to turn out the lights.

    I’m sorry to hear about your recent intruder. I’m even more disheartened to see that you think this may have been the result of my instigation or that I may have entered your home without your consent. Please be assured that had I found the courage to do so, I would have rapidly absconded with the portraits you so proudly mention in your letters. After all, one person’s art is another person’s special hidden stash.

    I’m not a master criminal by any stretch of the imagination but had I been apprehended I don’t believe I would have been convicted with a custodial sentence. We are after all discussing what the French would call a crime passionel, with mitigating circumstances so profound that a jury of twelve men true and fair would undoubtedly take pity on me.

    I’m sorry to read that your ample assets may not be as ample as they once were. I’m rather infatuated with the more buxom lady. That’s not to say I have an aversion to elfin features, but Rubeneque women seem to have more trouble running away from my admiring arms.

    I hope this brief letter has restored your faith in my rectitude and sincerity.

    With sincere regards,

    Rusty Trawler

    P.S: please mention your assets again, ample or otherwise

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