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  • #12435


    Are people stupid? WHY do people continue to buy puppies for Christmas, then decide that they are too much trouble and dump them? This poor little labrador puppy was dumped at a rehoming centre in Scotland on Christmas day fgs. :evil:


    It makes me sick !!



    @tinkerbell wrote:

    I first read about this on facebook when a friend posted it, it’s really sad how cruel and irresponsible some people are.

    I suspect that they are more stupid than cruel and more incompetent than irresponsible.

    Chances are that it didn’t occur to them that sweet little puppies piddle all over the place and need exercise every day.

    They look so sweet and endearing with Andrex loo paper wrapped all round them – unless it is YOUR Andrex loo paper and your new puppy has pinched the last roll, just when you need it most, and has spread it in tiny bits all over the house.

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