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  • #325245

    andrew the 13 year old boy wow!!!!!!!! bless his heart……. and as for the contortionist lol @ piers morgan asking her if she had a boyfriend pmsl ……


    It’s shit, I wish I was out :twisted:


    @nick51 wrote:

    :lol: :lol: the Minx with tears in her eyes.and there was me thinking you were a tough gal from must be your age minx :lol: :lol:

    lol aint been called that in a long time Nick lol xxx hows u doin m8’y..?? xx


    The lad at the end was great even i had tears in me eyes ( hard as nails i am )

    Loved the dog who did James bond …..And wtf was that old women doing with the bloke and paving slab ffs :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Then girls on the electric things WOW didnt real hear them play i was to busy looking at their ar ses and tits 8)


    they should call it, britan imports great tallent from asia


    i thort it was fookin brilliant. the comedian was funny as fook……that young lad at the end had me in tears. and what about the guy who warbled valerie……i will always love you……an another song while piers morgan refused to press his buzzer…..look on simon cowells face was priceless. the young girl with the dog was really good. and the girls with the electric instruments were brill. pure hour of entertainment. =D>


    @pats wrote:

    i thort it was fookin brilliant. the comedian was funny as fook……that young lad at the end had me in tears. and what about the guy who warbled valerie……i will always love you……an another song while piers morgan refused to press his buzzer…..look on simon cowells face was priceless. the young girl with the dog was really good. and the girls with the electric instruments were brill. pure hour of entertainment. =D>

    FFS PATS!!

    I’ve just read your comments (you should write for the TV Times.. =D> ) and now I’m wishing I’d watched it!! ](*,)

    The big question should really be has Simon Cowell got any talent??

    We know you love him but c’mon admit it .. the guy is a tw@t .. yes a WEALTHY one at that.


    That little nipper had a great voice. No idea why he had to tell the world in his first sentence that he is bullied. Hope the show gives the boy some self esteem.

    I never saw the first series so i thought i’d check this one out. Something else to line Simon’s pocket. :roll:


    @sir Actor wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    i thort it was fookin brilliant. the comedian was funny as fook……that young lad at the end had me in tears. and what about the guy who warbled valerie……i will always love you……an another song while piers morgan refused to press his buzzer…..look on simon cowells face was priceless. the young girl with the dog was really good. and the girls with the electric instruments were brill. pure hour of entertainment. =D>

    FFS PATS!!

    I’ve just read your comments (you should write for the TV Times.. =D> ) and now I’m wishing I’d watched it!! ](*,)

    The big question should really be has Simon Cowell got any talent??

    We know you love him but c’mon admit it .. the guy is a tw@t .. yes a WEALTHY one at that.

    wait till big brother starts actor an i do my daily post lol. and how very dare you call the love of my life a tw/at :evil: least he provided me with a pure hour of entertainment last night. smiles tears and groans. (and i mean the programme not him personally………..i wish………… :P )


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    No idea why he had to tell the world in his first sentence that he is bullied.

    Rainny .. stoip taking the p iss luv.

    If you want to win a TV talent show it’s ALWAYS a good idea to tell them you’re being bullied.
    Having people feel sorry for you is a great way to get anything.

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