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  • #5727

    I’ve got 2… :roll: :)

    1)Not so smart idea to nail a holly wreath to a wall… well I didnt know the power cable was there ! :? :shock:

    2)Oh and the tasty giblet bag that remained inside the turkey ! guess it was a case of being well and truely stuffed! ( and I dont mean sage and onion !) :wink: :lol:



    You should never nail anything horizontal or vertical to a power socket or light switch because they generally have power cables behind them :lol:

    My good on a christmas day was i forgot it was christmas and just got drunk in the pub all day – so i missed the family xmas dinner :?


    To be honest I don’t have any Christmas boo boo’s!! Appart from the dog eating my chocolates from Santa one year :(

    It’s not advisable to leave giblets inside the turkey bunnykins. Hope it didn’t leave any after taste on its legs and breast…ewww xx :lol: :)


    @tiger73 wrote:

    To be honest I don’t have any Christmas boo boo’s!! Appart from the dog eating my chocolates from Santa one year :(

    It’s not advisable to leave giblets inside the turkey bunnykins. Hope it didn’t leave any after taste on its legs and breast…ewww xx :lol: :)

    :wink: :oops: :lol: OOOO Tiger ! whos legs and breasts ? cheeky ! LOL xxxx


    There were 12 people coming for Xmas dinner so after mega preparation over the weeks before everything seemed to be running to plan. I went to bed on Xmas safe in the knowledge that the oven was set to come on during the night to cook the rather large turkey needed to feed the hoards. I woke up about 5 am and i could hear the whir of the oven( the bedroom door had been left open for this purpose) so i went back to sleep contented all was ok.

    I got up about 7.30am and went to the cooker to check how all was progressing (as ya do).
    I opened the oven door and donned in oven gloves i gingerly lifted out the aforesaid turkey. Removing the oven gloves i gently lifted the foil of the bird with my finger tips. It was at this time i happened to hit the foil with the back of my hand and i jumped back and sucked in my breath (as ya do) only to realise i wasnt burnt or even sore.

    Enter panic stations and mega hyperventilation.

    I had carefully prepared the turkey and placed in the oven set the timer ( i should have known t was all going to easy). My only fault being i had placed the turkey in the bottom oven and had been ever so careful in setting the top one.

    Aw well it all ended ok. The turkey was cooked fine in time for lunch and i only needed the valium until early afternoon. :lol: :lol:


    Great story Chess xx =D> =D>


    Wasnt so biddy great at 7.30am on that Xmas morning Bunny lmao was ages before I got in to see if Santa had been :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Great story chess, hope it doesn’t happen again. Glad everyone had their fill of hot turkey for dinner :lol: :lol:

    I’m going to be one of 12 round the Xmas table this year. Won’t be very happy if I’m served cold breast! I Have been lucky up till now. Should be plenty of warm legs though if worse can to the worse. Grrrr! :lol: :lol:



    My mates mum cooked her turkey upside down the other year and wondered why it wasnt carving properly!!

    Needless to say it is now a long running joke that comes up again year after year lol!!


    Have to say ive never seen a turkey with 12 legs before !!! Interesting ! :roll: :wink:

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