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  • #14565


    Who from forum 3 remembers the sorry tale of Dids ring?

    Did had this beautiful ring. Gorgeous it was. There it sat on her finger, gleaming away until the night Did felt a bit peckish and decided her ring looked mighty tasty, and took a bite. Of course you can guess where it went.

    Days went by with no sign of the ring. Poor Diddy ended up at the hospital, where a nice nurse gave her some *medicine*. :lol: Shortly afterwards nature took it’s course and out popped the ring.

    After a good wash it was restored to it’s rightfull place on her finger. Somehow I don’t think Did ever had the urge to eat her ring again. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :


    :lol: :lol: :lol: It was a ring she wore on her thumb that ended up decorating her…… shut up Chess :lol:
    Everyone else has an apple or packet of crisps if they are peckish but not Did.
    We sang Ring of Fire to her for months and everytime she cooked for me when i visited her after that i checked my food when she wasnt looking …. well ya never know do you …. especially as she was wearing a ring on her thumb :shock: ( a different one oh pls god let it have been a different one

    What would i have given to be a fly on the wall when the Dr at the hosp was taking her history :lol: :lol:


    @bat wrote:

    Who from forum 3 remembers the sorry tale of Dids ring?


    Can you say that :shock:


    That was sooo funny – remember it well……………….!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:



    @pete wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    Who from forum 3 remembers the sorry tale of Dids ring?


    Can you say that :shock:

    Say Dids ring? I’m missing the point arn’t I? I don’t geddit. :?


    ring Noun. The anus. Cf. ‘ring-piece’.

    Wish i hadnt bothered now :oops:



    @pete wrote:

    ring Noun. The anus. Cf. ‘ring-piece’.

    Wish i hadnt bothered now :oops:

    Ohhhhhhhhh. ffs. :lol:


    OMG !!!! how funny was that lol…………….there i was sitting there chatting away, i was playing with my thumb ring in my mouth ( for reasons i do not no ) when * gulp *… there it went lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and that orrible lot has told you the rest……….lol

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