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  • #252445

    Christmas Naughty or Nice List

    You are on the The Nice List

    After checking the North Pole database we found you had :

    1,386 nice entries
    263 naughty entries

    Wot a good likkle wabbit ive been !! LOL :wink: :lol:

    I deserve an extra BIGcarrot from santa !! hehehe


    Ive changed my name loads of times now, even put my maiden name in and thought it would make all the difference, but I reckon Father Christmas is a realy nice geezer and we are all on his list (wish he was feckin paying for it though :twisted: )


    Christmas Naughty or Nice List

    You are on the The Nice List

    After checking the North Pole database we found you had :

    2,574 nice entries
    355 naughty entries

    Always a good girl me :lol: :lol: :lol: O:) :-


    You are on the The Nice List

    After checking the North Pole database we found you had :

    1,992 nice entries
    459 naughty entries


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Ive changed my name loads of times now, even put my maiden name in and thought it would make all the difference, but I reckon Father Christmas is a realy nice geezer and we are all on his list (wish he was feckin paying for it though :twisted: )

    pmsl typed in forum host PB and this was wot i got back:

    Christmas Naughty or Nice List

    You are on the The Nice List

    After checking the North Pole database we found you had :

    637 nice entries
    498 naughty entries

    tutus PB!!!!!!!! u bad boy!!!!!!!!!


    You are on the The Nice List

    After checking the North Pole database we found you had :

    1,832 nice entries
    589 naughty entries

    Thank Goodness for Computer Errors
    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


    Christmas Naughty or Nice List

    You are on the The Nice List

    After checking the North Pole database we found you had :

    2,606 nice entries
    568 naughty entries

    Grrr..Just goes to prove I have been a very good Tiger this year LOL

    Deserve a BIG joint of meat for that! :) :roll: :wink: :lol:


    After checking the North Pole database you are on the NICE list.

    1,270 nice entries.

    68 naughty entries.


    @hedge wrote:

    After checking the North Pole database you are on the NICE list.

    1,270 nice entries.

    68 naughty entries.

    awwwwwww wot a cute ickle hedgehog u r xxx


    1755 Nice Entries and 160 Naughty Entries ………..

    New Years resolution to be more norty……………….. :lol:

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 34 total)

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