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  • #334016

    Im just back yesterday from Malta for a week, started me tan off nicely :D

    Turkey in 6 weeks time 8)


    how was it Dawny.

    Ive just got my visa sorted, woooooohoooooooooooo… ages to go tho :(


    Weather was lovely Lucky, the place was ok, hotel nice, but the area was being developed and was really dusty, hate the dog shyte everywhere too :evil:


    So you went to St James Park instead then Dawny


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I’m off to the caravan tonight back Tuesday :lol: :D as expected the weather forecast for the East Coast is colder and rainy :cry: :shock:


    I’m off to Florida on saturday :roll:

    As ever, mega arsepains with the packing though!!
    Uber squeeze and squash to get my lotions, cremes and essential exfoliator packs in

    Oh and not to mention a completely seperate case for my ego 8)
    Easily inflated.. damn tough to puncture :P


    / / / /


    4 weeks tomo til I go to Australia, cant wait :lol:


    Righty then… see y’all in two weeks or so people!

    This a tune especially for Esme… for she is a special woman. A most singular lady, very beautiful in so many ways 8)
    Be back soon x


    I hope all my days will be lit by your face
    I hope all the years will hold tight our promises

    I don’t want to be old and sleep alone
    An empty house is not a home
    I don’t want to be old and feel afraid

    I don’t want to be old and sleep alone
    An empty house is not a home
    I don’t want to be old and feel afraid

    And if I need anything at all..

    I need a place that’s hidden in the deep
    Where lonely angels sing you to your sleep
    Though all the world is broken

    I need a place where I can make my bed
    A lover’s lap where I can lay my head
    Cos now the room is spinning

    The day’s beginning..



    I pray that Sgt. goes wary of the everglades..the scaly leathered skin.. evil glinting yellow eyes..humungous sharpened gnashers ready to snap off a limb..

    he’ll frighten the bejaysus outta the alligators after a night on the whisky.
    (lubs him tho)

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