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  • #205658

    I’m sure it will get better when I get home and sleep off my hangover :?



    Brilliant today :D Sunny and warm, done my washing, watered my potatoes, which were still alive this morning! lol and now going orf to the bar for lunch with some m8’s weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D


    Having a fab day..we took my niece to Kent Life where she liked the ducks etc but was scared of the pigs and donkeys…shes 2 at the end of the month by the way lol. Then went to the Malta Inn for lunch…now shes in bed asleep and im chilling on the boards :D


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    I’m sure it will get better when I get home and sleep off my hangover :?

    Poor you.

    I was drinking last night but no hangover. And I am looking forward to a hot bath.

    I’ll bring you a parecetemol and a cup of tea if it would help.




    well…………’s just about better than yesterday.


    So much better than yesterday! :D


    @momentaryloss wrote:

    @kent f OBE wrote:

    I’m sure it will get better when I get home and sleep off my hangover :?

    Poor you.

    I was drinking last night but no hangover. And I am looking forward to a hot bath.

    I’ll bring you a parecetemol and a cup of tea if it would help.


    Bring a couple, tea no sugar……..thanks :lol:


    I’ll let you know when I’ve stopped shaking from almost killing a bliddy stupid cyclist with a death wish! :twisted:


    @gazlan wrote:

    Bit early yet . . . I’l keep you posted. :lol:

    Do you know . . . It got better by the minute. :lol: 8)



    Hangover gawn tfft – now, for roast pork yummy! :)

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