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    Someone sent me this in an e-mail today, tbh i think it’s pretty funny, but i do take issue with something Ian41 typed about me regarding Mel and her skype addy. I would just like to make it clear, i have never begged, or threatened Ian to give me Mel’s addy in pm. For some reason, Ian seems to hold a grudge against me for something, and i’ve been informed that he has been both cloning me, and slagging me off with Merlin late at night. I was even pasted this in my pm on sunday ”This is our room now Merlin, Shiddy’s reign is over’.. It seems to me ( judging from the information i’ve been given) that Ian has got it in his head that i am the troll formerly known as Happy Holidays, formerly known as Fireman leeds, currently known as every name under the sun. I am not him, anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see that..If Ians attacks on me are more personal, and not just a case of mistaken identity, i can only presume he is jealous of my budding relationship with BluMagnolia (you’re famous now Blu)…As for the stuff Will was typing about me, well he’s obviously still as insecure as ever, jockying for that alpha chat-male position he so desperately craves. Anyway. thanks for keeping me relevant guys. As i say, the only issue i have is with the stuff Ian was typing about me because it’s all a load of bollox. tc peeps xx

    Will Dom: Shiddy is always funny and sometimes it’s intentional
 BluMagnolia: busy can be good sometimes though
 Ianj41: hi sarah x
 BluMagnolia: i dont think thats him ian
 sarah 29 london: hi ian 
 Will Dom: He does get extremely worked up though
 m46surrey: cool x
 BluMagnolia: he doesnt usually resort to the playground stuff
 sarah 29 london: i think i prefer the night shift tbh i would be nearly finished by now
 sam has left the building
 Ianj41: just wierd
 Will Dom: He’s variously wished an early death, cancer, for me to die alone and a few other things besides recently
 Ianj41: he turned on me one day
 Ianj41: lol
 BluMagnolia: and he loves a good paragraph every now and again
 Will Dom: What for, Ianj?
 Ianj41: no idea
 Will Dom: He’s quite a sensitive soul at times
 m46surrey: ditto,like nites sometimes
 sarah 29 london: shiddy acussed me of being someone called crazy cow 
 Ianj41: im jusy witty and handsome i guess
 BluMagnolia: lol sarah
 BluMagnolia: he accused me of a whole list of names
 sarah 29 london: i have no idea who that is
 sarah 29 london: or was
 Will Dom: Call yourself handsome and he will go nuts
 Ianj41: he did
 Will Dom: I’ve done it quite a few times now and he always explodes
 Ianj41: mel told him
 Ianj41: i was cute
 Ianj41: he went menta;
 Will Dom: He’s even sent me photos of him to prove he doesn’t care what people think of his looks
 sarah 29 london: has he got low self esteem then
 sarah 29 london: sorry to barge in this conversation
 BluMagnolia: he can be nice though too. its hard to know what you’re gonna get with him
 Ianj41: but hes talented
 Will Dom: If you remember, it was Shid who was keen to post my photo on the boards originally
 Will Dom: Yes, he can be alright sometimes so it’s a bit of a mixed bag
 BluMagnolia: i agree he is talented ian
 Will Dom: His 320+ posts on the boards are a little odd though!
 BluMagnolia: its just when he gets paranoid
 Ianj41: aye
 Ianj41: thats what i mean
 Ianj41: he wants to be discovered
 BluMagnolia: he takes it far sometimes with the accusations of name changing
 Will Dom: lol Blu is fully involved with the Jc gossip now
 Ianj41: lol
 BluMagnolia: hey im not a newbie anymore
 chatgirl has entered the room
 Will Dom: True
 Ianj41: i always think should i play call of duty on x box or come on jc
 Will Dom: Shiddy has some weird obsession with Mel too
 Ianj41: its always a good fight
 Ianj41: yep
 Ianj41: tell me about it
 Ianj41: ive taken the brunt of it all
 Will Dom: He claims not to like her, but really he somehow wants approval from here – as with Blah
 Ianj41: lol
 Will Dom: You have her on Skype so he will be jealous/annoyed of this, despite not really liking the girl lol
 Ianj41: yeah but mel chooses her friends well will
 Ianj41: she has the art of being sarcastic
 chatgirl has left the building
 Ianj41: to a tea
 Ianj41: lol
 sarah 29 london has left the building Staff members ALWAYS appear green in the user list. Please report any abusive or offensive users at: Ianj41: he asked me for her sykpe in pm
 Ianj41: that was really wierd
 Will Dom: I always enjoy how she is never overtly rude but still managed to wind the trolls up
 Will Dom: He did??
 Ianj41: yeah 3 times the mad man
 Will Dom: lol
 BluMagnolia: i disagree but everyone sees different sides to everyone
 Will Dom: Fair enough, Blu, what’s your view?
 Ianj41: it was like hi ian i hate you give me mels sykpe ya kunt
 BluMagnolia: shes piggybacked some of the trolls who’ve tried to come at me in chat…i dont like those people
 Ianj41: second time was more polite
 Will Dom: Ianj, do you mind if I mention this to him next time he goes on a multi-paragraph rant at me?
 Ianj41: no feel free
 Who-Man has left the building


    That is awful, so distressing….. i’m literally foaming at the mouth…….. at the fact that a 41 year old can’t spell ‘weird’ :wink:


    The king is dead, long live the king! :lol:


    Oh hello Melody!, welcome to the board game. If you aren’t too busy baking, perhaps you’d like to fulfill that promise you made to me all those months ago of posting your pic on here (face included please), you really have no excuse now. Says under your name that your board account became active back in August, hmmm.. so all those times you told me ”ooooh i can’t get on the boards to post my pic Shiddy cos i’ve not received a confirmation e-mail yet” were blatantly all lies. Nothing new there.

    If you are referring to either Will, or Ian being our new ”king”, then i presume you must think that i was our former king?.. like Ian did when he stated ”This is our chatroom now, Shiddy’s reign is over”…LOL.. Well I’m flattered that you both perceive me as having that level of status here, but i’ve certainly never viewed myself as being the king of JC, i’ve never viewed myself as a servant, or follower either though.

    However, it would appear that you DO need someone to guide you, Melody.. to have someones coat tails to ride.. proved by the fact that as soon as you came back to JC (spouting your now patented pish about how you’ve just had to delete fb because of your awful ex boyfriend), you latched onto the guy who you deemed to be the most powerful (and gullible..he had to be gullible!), which happened to be Will, in this instance.. All you had to do then, was type the occasional ”lol”, and pokey out tongue smiley :P, and make reference to your fake skype pics every 5 minutes, and Will would do the rest.. resulting in you gaining a whole tonne of attention, and chat-rep that you don’t really deserve. Look, you’ve even got me showering you with attention on the boards!.. You did exactly the same routine in 2011 when you were going by the name ‘Red Rose’ unfortunately for you, i was wise to your act.

    For the rest of you sheep reading this, who believe JC does need to appoint some sort of king, or leader,.. well, i wouldn’t suggest appointing Will or Ian, those guys seem weak to me (judging from the chat log i pasted on this topic previously) You deserve a strong, selfless, honest leader who isn’t riddled with insecurities. Anyway tc peeps xx

    P.S Mel, check your pm’s ♥


    :P ……………….right shiddy if yer the King then this biatch is the QUEEN of all chat! i give me that title hahahha………………….and the rest of ye mere shrek………….can just live wi the fact ye aint ever gonna be King nor Queen!!!!

    and life the dogs nads (wasnt allowed ma normal word lol) when its takin so serious…………

    anyways where did i put ma crown?



    Hello Shiddy :D
    Im here to specify soemthing:

    1 I have NEVER said i was going to post my pic on boards. You were the one who threated me about posting my pics on boards. And you keep doing that

    2 I have NEVER said you were the chat king: you could only be the court jester lol

    3 If there is a new a King.. its Will not doubt about that. 8)

    Hope u will get things right this time and stop telling lies .p

    P.S. i got no pm . lol


    Hello again, Melody. I have noted your points, and will respond to them in due course. But before i deal with your issues, there are far more pressing matters regarding Ian and his ill feelings towards me that need to be dealt with. I am going to use a similar system to what you just used, Melody (numbered bullet points), as Ian seems to have trouble understanding paragraphs, so here it goes…

    1. Before the date Sunday the 19th of October, the only thing I really knew about Ian, was that he once got a bit weird and creepy with the chatter Blumagnolia on skype. I didn’t really class him as a chat friend or a chat foe, but I was pretty civil with him, hi…bye….lol….that sort of thing.

    2. So Sunday the 19th came around, I logged into the room after about a weeks absence (I’m working now, i’m simply too tired after work to think of stupid things to type to entertain you all, I usually just go straight to bed), and within minutes, I was receiving pm’s left right and centre about how Ian and Merlin have been staying up all night chatting sh1t about me, and how Ian has even cloned me under the name ‘angry shiddy’, of course I asked ”Why was he doing this?”. and the person in my pm told me that Happy holidays/ fireman leeds, had been trolling him, and somehow Ian thought it was me. (Sorry, these are turning into paragraphs now lol)

    3. Monday the 20th, i came home from work and checked my e-mails, I had received one from a chat friend that i will not name. In it, was that massive chat log I pasted in the first post on this topic, I read through it, laughed at alot of the stuff Will was saying, but then I got to the bit where Ian states that I have been begging, and threatening him in pm for Mels skype addy, and.. well, let’s just say that did the opposite of turning my frown upside down.

    4. I decided that I must get to the bottom of this, for Ian’s sake more than my own, so I pasted the chat log on the boards (as I say. I simply don’t have the time or the energy anymore to settle these disputes in the room), I thought this would be an ideal way for Ian to explain to me what the hell his problem was, but i didn’t get a reply from Ian. I just got one from stupid Mel, anything for attention I spose eh.

    5. Last night. I came into the room to chat, saw Ian was there, a lot of the chatters were going on about this new ‘king of Jc’ thing, that i seem to have created by mentioning Ians quote to Merlin ”This our room now, Shiddy’s reign is over” See, without me, there really would be no narrative at all.. Anyway, I saw this as an opportunity to paste parts of the chatlog that I had previously pasted on here, in main room, so Ian would have the chance to explain himself to me, keyboard to keyboard. Instead of settling this calmly and maturely, Ian decided that it would be better to just abuse me and call me names, at one point he said ”you’re not the king, you’re just a gay little prince”…Holy Moly!!..As we wern’t really getting anywhere calling eachother names, i asked him in simple terms ”So, what you’re saying is that I DID beg and threaten you for Mel’s skype addy, and I DID, explode and get angry when Mel said you were cute?”…Ian replied, ”Yes, all of it is true”

    None of it is true….I think you will all agree that I have been fair with Ian regarding this matter, I’ve given him every chance to explain himself, I was hoping this was all going to turn out to be one big misunderstanding, but it seems Ian does harbour real resentment towards me (god knows why), and has decided to abuse, clone, and lie to my face, rather than give me any explanation for his recent behaviour..and for this reason, I shall be iggying Ian on sight for the forseeable future.

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