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  • #317450

    Mind you, for £32 you could probably buy a threesome with Patricia and Sian for at least 4 hours and still have change to get drunk (before going anywhere near either of them) and buy a pack of cigs.


    Not everyone gets pissed as easily as you. Mind you… you southerners never could handle your ale.


    Yes, irony never was your forte.

    I’ll let you get back to your msn waterfalls.

    Laters Paul.


    A little bird tells me Dagger drank you under the table.
    The North South divide….. what a wonderful thing.
    Shall I place a couple of asprins and a glass of water besides your bed for when you wake?


    No I have to pay tax and Nat Ins, I believe in paying my own way in life.

    Who is Kate? Is not me, I’m Janey
    Tell me more about this Kate person

Viewing 5 posts - 21 through 25 (of 25 total)

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