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  • #329147

    @pete wrote:

    I is middle class :D/ :D/ =D>

    I’m not allowed to speak to you then! [-(


    I go in Aldi and that other one oh whats it called not Netto the other one whats cheap wiv me flat cap and me whippet 8-[


    I went to an aldi once. There was a distinct whiff of in the air…put me off ever going back again


    It was an accident ok :oops:


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    I wouldnt waste your breath on them janey, no matter who you are or are not its best to not worry about what they think they know, or know , u are the only one that knows whats what dont waste your time trying to convince anyone just ignore them and do your own thing, to many people dictate what others should do and not do and as i have probably said on many threads, advising someone on something is one thing being dictatorial busy bodies is another, its all down to personal choice if u aint hurting anyone with malicious or doing anything illegal people shouldnt judge. Opinions and debates are fine but not personal affronts for no good reason.

    And no this is not directed at any one person just a general comment about life in general not just on here.


    If you mean gullible your entitled to your opinion, and ok i take people at face value and let them prove otherwise,Paranoids, cynics and conspiracy theorists think of themselves as the most sceptical, the least gullible of the human race, and hence also as the most secure against disappointment. “If you’re a pessimist,” the saying goes, “at least you’ll never be disappointed”. But that could hardly be more false. Just look at the world of disappointment that Hitler let himself in for when he deduced, from the depths of his cynicism, that Britain was all talk and would never fight. Just look how heartbroken all the cynics and pessimists on today’s political scene are whenever things go well in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    In reality, such people are not the least gullible in the world but the most. For their approach to understanding the complex and frightening world of human affairs is not characterised by the countless possible explanations that they have vowed to reject, but by the single conspiracy-theoretic mode of explanation that they have vowed to believe regardless of all evidence or experience or argument to the contrary. This is not scepticism in the rational sense of the word, it is faith. They have chosen to put blind faith in their conspiracy theories. But the world punishes blind faith. Tyrants in general tend to be paranoid, yet nevertheless, they nearly always end up disappointed as well. Stalin was relatively lucky in his disappointment: most of them die of it.
    But as gullible i may be i don’t suffer fools gladly if i am proved wrong.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    I wouldnt waste your breath on them janey, no matter who you are or are not its best to not worry about what they think they know, or know , u are the only one that knows whats what dont waste your time trying to convince anyone just ignore them and do your own thing, to many people dictate what others should do and not do and as i have probably said on many threads, advising someone on something is one thing being dictatorial busy bodies is another, its all down to personal choice if u aint hurting anyone with malicious or doing anything illegal people shouldnt judge. Opinions and debates are fine but not personal affronts for no good reason.

    And no this is not directed at any one person just a general comment about life in general not just on here.


    If you mean gullible your entitled to your opinion, and ok i take people at face value and let them prove otherwise,Paranoids, cynics and conspiracy theorists think of themselves as the most sceptical, the least gullible of the human race, and hence also as the most secure against disappointment. “If you’re a pessimist,” the saying goes, “at least you’ll never be disappointed”. But that could hardly be more false. Just look at the world of disappointment that Hitler let himself in for when he deduced, from the depths of his cynicism, that Britain was all talk and would never fight. Just look how heartbroken all the cynics and pessimists on today’s political scene are whenever things go well in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    In reality, such people are not the least gullible in the world but the most. For their approach to understanding the complex and frightening world of human affairs is not characterised by the countless possible explanations that they have vowed to reject, but by the single conspiracy-theoretic mode of explanation that they have vowed to believe regardless of all evidence or experience or argument to the contrary. This is not scepticism in the rational sense of the word, it is faith. They have chosen to put blind faith in their conspiracy theories. But the world punishes blind faith. Tyrants in general tend to be paranoid, yet nevertheless, they nearly always end up disappointed as well. Stalin was relatively lucky in his disappointment: most of them die of it.
    But as gullible i may be i don’t suffer fools gladly if i am proved wrong.

    jeez that was nearly as boring as janeys post………….. :wink:


    sod orf lol true maybe but sod orf anyway lol


    so twas nowt to do wiv seagulls then ?


    @pete wrote:

    so twas nowt to do wiv seagulls then ?

    MIDDLE CLASS ? I thought ya were a railwayman ?


    @rubyred wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    so twas nowt to do wiv seagulls then ?

    MIDDLE CLASS ? I thought ya were a railwayman ?

    yes one fixes her majesty’s infrastructure to facilitate the passage of locomotives

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