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  • #1663

    Since i changed my pc to one of those appley mac things i cant change the text colour (in justchat) – is it me or the Mac?

    Am thinking of getting rid and going back to ‘normal’ pc, only good thing bout this is the size of screen.

    Size does matter! 8)


    could never stand the macs at college, such a horrible machine to work with, but i guess its what we get used to

    i am after a bigger screen too, my eye sight is’nt as good as it used to be


    Its ya age babe :wink:

    Have decided I really dont like this appley thing – time for change methinks!


    Macs don’t get viruses! 8)
    {Is viruses the plural of virus?) :-k


    So that’s not the same as a dirty rainmac then ????

    Cause I might have been able to answer that…………..


    @morticia wrote:

    So that’s not the same as a dirty rainmac then ????

    Cause I might have been able to answer that…………..

    Dirty rainmacs are absolutely crawling in viruses! :lol:


    Curses ! Looks like my cunning disguise didn’t work Owen !

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