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  • #10716

    Ello ppl n gd morn xxx alot was said in jc last nite just wanted 2 say sorry cos i got bit angry about the comments that was bein said just wanted 2 say sorry cos im a bit pissed off with myself cos i dont get angry or upset have a gd morn every 1 xxx[/b]


    oh damn and here was me all on my tod on the boards missing it all, tut, you should have come and got me!


    lol ello sharon hows u xx


    very good hun xx 8) suns out rains stopped, perfect. :wink:


    Gdgd yep the suns out tf get me clothes out :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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