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    I’ve just been told that I am a freak because of my phobia!

    I cannot stand anyone, and i mean anyone, touching my hips! If someone brushes past and touches them, i near enough throw up.

    I am in floods of tears if anyone purposefully grabs or touches my hip(s) and I near enough faint!

    Bloody cheek, i am so NOT a freak!

    I can pick a spider up no problem, love them, people who get scared by insects, i personally feel, are freaks!

    Have any of you freaks, sorry, luverly JC’ers got major or unusual phobias?



    Magpies :x F*cking good for nothing c*nts! I spend a lot of time looking up if I’m outdoors making sure there are none lurking around, f*ckers!

    One totally attacked me when I was in highschool, was walking to the golf course for sport, minding my own damn business, and bang bloody magpie swooped me, its beak got the top of my head (AND IT BLED LIKE A B*TCH) . I understand they are only protecting their babies but for f*ck sake, if I wanted to take their stupid babies I’d climb up the f*cking tree :evil: Stay the f*ck away from my head unless I’m goin up your tree!


    Phobia – huh

    Well I can’t stand fish – I won’t eat it, touch it or look at it for that matter. I don’t like the way they look – they honestly freak me out.


    @kangawallafox wrote:

    Magpies :x F*cking good for nothing c*nts! I spend a lot of time looking up if I’m outdoors making sure there are none lurking around, f*ckers!

    One totally attacked me when I was in highschool, was walking to the golf course for sport, minding my own damn business, and bang bloody magpie swooped me, its beak got the top of my head (AND IT BLED LIKE A B*TCH) . I understand they are only protecting their babies but for f*ck sake, if I wanted to take their stupid babies I’d climb up the f*cking tree :evil: Stay the f*ck away from my head unless I’m goin up your tree!

    I dont have a tree, i only have a bush! 8)


    @American Woman wrote:

    Phobia – huh

    Well I can’t stand fish – I won’t eat it, touch it or look at it for that matter. I don’t like the way they look – they honestly freak me out.

    That’s an odd one, I dont think I could live without my fish and chip supper! 8)


    @rubyred wrote:

    so i guess a conga is out the question then gyps ? I sorta know what you mean,,NOT to that degree that YOU have,but im not fond of it either,sorta makes me feel like im chewing on cotton wool,when someone touches my hips !

    At last, someone who understands!!!!!! I love you Rubes…. :P


    hey, ive got summat similar…..

    if a gorgeous woman kneels down in front of me…i feel all funny :lol:


    @magnifico wrote:

    hey, ive got summat similar…..

    if a gorgeous woman kneels down in front of me…i feel all funny :lol:

    LMAO! :lol: :lol: :lol: ok for that I’m not gonna hijack that thread in Current Affairs 8) Good stuff! :lol:


    @gyps wrote:

    I can pick a spider up no problem, love them, people who get scared by insects, i personally feel, are freaks!

    At least it’s a more common phobia lol :lol:

    I’m scared of spiders…and not just scared, my whole body freezes if I see one – and panic sets in if the fecker moves.

    I think it started when I was 8 – a b*tch pulled all but 2 legs off a spider and put it down my back – I can still remember the horrible scrabbling feeling. *shudder*


    Oh…has anyone noticed spiders are a lot bigger these days? :?

    OH normally gets a glass to catch them for me – but we had one not long ago that needed a fecking vase!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

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