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  • #10957


    Human remains have been found on Saddleworth Moor. It hasn,t been confirmed yet whose remains they are, but of course everyone hopes and prays that they are the remains of Keith Bennett. His poor mother has suffered unimaginable grief for 40 years. Brady always denies knowing where Keith is buried; he,s lying. He knows full well he just wants Keiths mum to suffer. Bastard. :evil: :evil:


    Hope it is him then they can shoot Brady


    If police locate Keith’s body, they are expected to submit a file to the Crown Prosecution Service which will consider whether to charge Brady with murder.



    Is he not the victim that Brady said a couple months back he would now (again) help police with finding, or is that another one?


    theres only one not found so far


    Well in that case he was saying he did know where he was, so I was lead to believe anyway.


    yeah he did but he’s been doing that for years pretty much wasting the police time


    @bat wrote:

    Human remains have been found on Saddleworth Moor. It hasn,t been confirmed yet whose remains they are, but of course everyone hopes and prays that they are the remains of Keith Bennett. His poor mother has suffered unimaginable grief for 40 years. Brady always denies knowing where Keith is buried; he,s lying. He knows full well he just wants Keiths mum to suffer. Bastard. :evil: :evil:

    bat, I hope it is keith Bennett so his poor mum can have a proper funeraly and lay her lad to rest , I just hope that if it is keith she may at last find some peace, the pain is unimaginable that she must have gone through. :cry: :cry:



    @cath 55 wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    Human remains have been found on Saddleworth Moor. It hasn,t been confirmed yet whose remains they are, but of course everyone hopes and prays that they are the remains of Keith Bennett. His poor mother has suffered unimaginable grief for 40 years. Brady always denies knowing where Keith is buried; he,s lying. He knows full well he just wants Keiths mum to suffer. Bastard. :evil: :evil:

    bat, I hope it is keith Bennett so his poor mum can have a proper funeraly and lay her lad to rest , I just hope that if it is keith she may at last find some peace, the pain is unimaginable that she must have gone through. :cry: :cry:

    Aye Cath I agree with you. Mind you, I don,t think it was wise of the press to publish this story until they were SURE either way. It must have got Winnie,s hopes up when she heard the news. IF it isn,t him, it,ll be a crushing blow to her. I bet that evil piece of garbage(brady) is laughing at her, just like he,s been laughing at her for over 40 years. He knows where Keiths body is I dont care what he says. He just enjoys torturing Keiths mum. Bastard. :evil: :evil:


    The mind of a monster is a terrible place.

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