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    How much do normally spend on your kids at Christmas? I read stories about parents who get themselves into debt over it, and spend well over a thousand pounds, all because their child MUST have the latest gadget.

    I think it,s crazy. It,s just one day a year, yet some parents feel obliged to spend as much money as they can on their children in case they have a tantrum because they didn,t get what they want.

    Gone are the days of Christmas stockings with an orange in it, and various other cheap little toys. If you got kids something like that these days, they,d look at you as if you came from Mars!

    I think kids really have to be taught from an early age that they simply cannot have everything they want, and that things are expensive. To get yourself into debt on your credit card all because of Christmas is just crazy.

    I,ve got some really good bargains for my kids this year, and I,ve honestly not spent a lot atall. There isn,t any need if you know where to look.


    You got an orange in your stocking :shock: you were lucky to get that I could only dream of an orange


    My kids can have whatever they ask for………….one thing i can say about them is…they aren’t greedy but very reasonable young people…….and i luv em to bits :D


    Within reason, I’m with Tinks.

    I don’t have ungrateful, spoilt kids who don’t know the value of money

    I don’t put myself in dept just for Le Chrimbo day, never have, never will!

    Glad we only gotta concentrate on the 1 kid now, the older 2 wont be getting what they used to get.

    I am very sure that this year, we will be THE very best mom and dad in THE entire universe!!!! :D
    The only thing that would make it better would be if the big man himself would come, with the snow, elves etc to give it to her himself! :D


    I’ve pinched her letter to Father Christmas … and I’ll tell her that it must have got lost in the post. Pity about that eh?

    If that doesn’t work, then I’ll blame the recession or fuel shortage for Father Christmas’s sleigh missing out our road this year.

    Christmas??? ….. bah humbug !!!


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I’ve pinched her letter to Father Christmas … and I’ll tell her that it must have got lost in the post. Pity about that eh?

    If that doesn’t work, then I’ll blame the recession or fuel shortage for Father Christmas’s sleigh missing out our road this year.

    Christmas??? ….. bah humbug !!!

    I dont think she believes anymore :(


    She still does (just). Mind you she’s only 10.


    Mine is 12, I think I was pushing it last year really :lol:

    Mind I have mentioned Santa few times, she hasnt rolled her eyes or said there aint a Sana or anything, so…..


    Lying to children.. [-X :lol:



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