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  • #131054

    Today I wish that Today would hurry up and get over :evil:


    I also wish that they would make golf illegal.


    @American Woman wrote:

    Today I wish that Today would hurry up and get over :evil:

    And so I don’t sound like a complete Valentines Day scrouge – Today I wish everyone has a Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!









    today i wished id got some work to do as the day doesnt half drag sat here in my office all by myself :!: :(


    Today I wish I had a little more than soup…. :wink: :lol: :lol:


    hmmm what flavour :?: :wink:


    Pussycat flavour if you don’t watch it !!! :lol: :lol:


    :shock: i’ll go and defrost my frozen meal for one then and behave :lol:


    @catmanblue wrote:

    :shock: i’ll go and defrost my frozen meal for one then and behave :lol:

    Can’t be worse than soup and a 60 Watt :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Today i wish i hadent forgot a card :oops: :oops:

    woke up to a lovely card and had 12 red roses deliverd at work

    feel horried now but il make it up to the old tw at later lol :twisted: 8)

Viewing 10 posts - 341 through 350 (of 684 total)

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