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  • #1105557

    Oh Oh i smell trouble,someones gonna burst your bubble.Mizz why do you have to wear your heart on your sleeve.I dont want to see you upset x

    Personality Disorder Sufferers, And Also Those With Diagnosed With Schizophrenia Wear Their Hearts On Their Sleeves, Also Full Of Twenty Year Old Greenies.

    May I Suggest People That Make Their Bed Let Them Lie In It, Even If It Smells Of Cat               ” PEEEE ” To Make Their Own Mistakes, Patience Is A Virtue jamie f, Also I Would Explain Reverse Psychology, But As Your Brains In Cloud Cuckoo Land No Point At All Really.


    So jamie f what i am trying to say in spangled scottish is ” hok eye dee new jimmy haggis wee bit swally to much like swalee, so if you warn them of their terrible futures wee eye like jimmy like, and what will end up happening they may foresee the Mizzery, then the pain will be easier dealt with.

    Surely You Can See The Terrible Crash Landing Of A Wee Scooter Like Accident??? ;-)



    i like to be the odd one out

    You Certainly Dooo Doo DO dOO

    Cuckoo :wacko:


    i like to be the odd one out

    You Certainly Dooo Doo DO dOO

    Cuckoo :wacko:

    ps….. see u’s in court ;-)



    What I’ve got, is what you need

    L O V E

    Love <3



    What I’ve got, is what you need

    L O V E

    Love <3


    Unique – What I Got Is What You Need (extended)

    <noscript>Video can’t be loaded: Unique – What I Got Is What You Need (extended) (</noscript>

    And What I Gave Her You’re Going To Get ;-)

Viewing 5 posts - 31 through 35 (of 35 total)

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