Boards Index General discussion Getting serious We’re told we have global warming, and NOW…….

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  • #273009

    You’ve heard it straight from the horses mouth, there. Temperatures rising & falling all the time isn’t global anything, whether it be warming OR cooling. It’s simply a variation in the next day’s temperature.

    Dunno why people have to kick up a big fuss about the weather. But, I suppose it gives them something to fill their empty heads with.


    Somebody made a great point about the ice earlier. When water freezes, it exbands, so when the ice melts, theres more space for it, thus water levels wont rise at all.


    I also heard that Al Bore and Madonna have shares in companies that polute the atmosphere, anyone know about this?


    That doesn’t surprise me – I will check into it- if he believed in what he was saying he wouldn’t live as he does.

    Although, I do believe and always have that it is common sense to conserve and recycle, for a variety of reasons and not just because Al says so.

    For politicians and celebrities that tell us to do as they say and not as they do this is already backfiring and taking away any credibility they had. They can preach but they can’t hide all of their huge carbon footprints. Maybe this is the sequel to ” An Inconvenient Truth”. :D


    Well today on yahoo scientists have discovered that cows do more harm to the enviroment than people :roll:

    I wonder how many thousands of pounds were wasted on that particular pointless bit of navel gazing considering the exact same thing has been known to be true for decades already :lol:


    @lil fek wrote:

    Here are a couple of links Emma:



    Blimey, great find lil. That was produced on friday, wouldn’t it been great if the Biased Broadcasting Conts balanced the live death output showing that.

    uber, i saw that, apparently a cow produces 500 litres of methane a year?, which is more than a 4×4 produces. Methane is more harmfull to us than CO2.

    The more i read up on this, the more i realise how evil those that run our country are.

    This government and their political old gang allies will bring us to our knees.

    Snow in Buenos Aires, first for 89 years


    Yeah the figures are complete nonsense

    The 6% one is bandied around alot, thats how much of all mankinds CO2 we in the UK produce, they do however conveniently forget to mention that

    1) All of mankinds CO2 production is a very VERY tiny proportion of ALL of the CO2 produced annually, with most of it coming from the sea, volcanos and rotting leaves and folliage, all of which individually produce many many times more CO2 than all of makind put together, so where is the mass expenditure to collect up fallen leaves?


    2) That comparatively CO2 is one of the more trivial less impactive of the greenhouse gases to begin with, and the ones that are worse than CO2 are also all produced naturally with very few exceptions like freon

    Its also interesting that nobody ever bothers to point out that without the greenhouse gases the planet would be a frozen wasteland incapable of supporting life and as such are an integral part of the ecosystem that occur naturally and always have done before man was even on the planet lol

    But why let facts get in the way of new innovative forms of taxation and the ultimate distraction for the mindless majority to get all excited about so they’re too busy to question what the politicians are doing with all those extra taxes

    Quite clever really :lol:

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