Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat What pissed u off 2day……..AGAIN

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  • #31215


    Ooooops that didnt help u want me to put the word out on him Gyps?


    I’ve already done it sweetheart! :twisted:



    Now knows why he likes yah so a woman of action

    Any hew Gyps im off now was lovely seeing you about, have a lovely chrimbo and speak to you soon xoxoxoxox


    well to be honest nothing has pis’sed me off tonight well not yet


    Royal Mail :x
    Recorded delivery letter posted on the 2nd December, and it’s got ” Lost ” :x


    kick their ar*es Cordy!!!


    I would if I could find an a*se to kick! Have you ever tried getting someone from Royal Mail to speak to on the phone? It’s damn near impossible!

    So I settled for an Email, and kind of dropped in what I thought of their service :D


    not having had any sleep last night and dont look like in gonna get any tonight either :evil:


    not being able to sign into msn :evil:


    You dont want to know!!! :evil: :evil:

Viewing 10 posts - 291 through 300 (of 7,319 total)

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