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  • #403973

    Happy Birthday CL Have a grt day xxxx


    Sat Outside Enjoying The Lovely Weather Whooooooooo……bout time it arrived :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Sorting me bedroom out gonna paint it soon ……should be a laff :lol: :lol:… saying that done my daughters room yesterday look good :lol: :lol: very pink and put the hannah wallpaper up too :D :D


    Just had me tead had salmon and sald mmmmmm


    nowt wrong wiv good ole sunny blackpool :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Ive been looking to take the kids to florida nxt yr sometime cos the lil1s only 3 so rather wait another 12 mnths should be a laff :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Goin to bath the lil one :) :) :)


    Thats happened to me kept freezing when i went into jc i just rebooted me broadband and it working so far so good “crosses fingers” lol


    R.I.P Jade Its tragic for anyone to die from cancer but for someone to die at the age of 27 i svery tragic.

    My thoughts go out to Jades family and them poor little boys .


    Pmlll id swear bt im too scared tooooo runs in that direction>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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