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  • #388289

    @bat wrote:

    And that was what pissed me off about that report PB. Not so much the blokes, even though they had been fighting, it was the state of the women. There is nothing worse than a drunken woman falling over in the gutter out of her skull on booze.

    Quite right Bat – and you’ve made my point. IF they’d only stick to drinking pints of real ale, none of that would happen.


    Drunk women generally are less of a problem than drunk men. How many random GBH attacks have been made by drunken women? Yes, I have heard of a case, but they are very rare.


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    Drunk women generally are less of a problem than drunk men. How many random GBH attacks have been made by drunken women? Yes, I have heard of a case, but they are very rare.

    Oh I don’t know about that Bas …… a woman’s tongue can kill at 100 yards.

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