Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Donald Trump – Racist Pig

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    Sceppy poohs hope you’re well and keep fending off the haters you’re doing A good job

    Is this aimed at me?


    I have to agree that in this World and other Countries have “shit hole environments.” I hate to admit that even though many many lovely areas in n.y.c. yes places seen as well.

    I will also step up to plate and say when low housing costs came into City areas, wow..neighbors beautiful..never knew they were low income families. Today and yes today I blame the tenants in most part not caring, landlords giving up and the abuse of that housing awful.


    As far as the wealthy I will step up to plate too. I am sick and tired of the lazy. Illegal immigrants I have to pay out of pocket for.. the many many who use our system as well and play it.

    I am tired of hearing “Trump helps and sugar costs the rich. ” Maybe some have dam good accountant and lawyers. Who knows..but I do know many whom have business, worked asses off for years, made good investments and are considered in higher brackets.. you need money to live anywhere. Some have higher wages..taxes taken out. Why should those who worked so darn hard have to pay for others. They most, have paid dues. My brother 40 years worked his ass off. Holidays, never home..stocked up for retirement years. He well deserves his wealth and pays big money back to government because of that.. so generalizing the title of wealthy, and rich..Trump trying to help some reduce that sweat of the many.. what my brother pays in taxes a year probably worth 4x salaries of those in uk..well some who are in business, good assets. Etc.. may not include them..

    So that the scoop.. the wealthy hard workers have rights too and should be given a break if can…


    …..what my brother pays in taxes a year probably worth 4x salaries of those in uk..well some who are in business, good assets. Etc.. may not include them..

    Linda, how can you possibly say that ? Lol !!!

    How can you possibly even think that ?

    Do you suppose people in the UK  are all scratching to make ends meet ? Apart from those who have worked to run their own business ? Do you think we don’t have incredibly high earners over here, or do you think that we all live on Coronation Street and eat lard butties ? Considering you’ve visited so often I would have thought you’d have a better impression ?

    No offence but I think that is a ludicrous and very silly statement  :unsure:   :negative:

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    Sceppy poohs hope you’re well and keep fending off the haters you’re doing A good job

    many thanks Ms K. I’ve known you for many years now, and you have a knack of making a good and encouraging point at the right time. So shines a good deed in a naughty world, to borrow a quote.

    in reference to the comments made about Thin……now I never really stick up for him or butt in his “spats”….he’s capable of holding his own and also he can be a right annoying git online and quite frankly knows when he’s gone too far (online)

    but Milkys comments are unfounded and disgusting to say the least….plenty will believe what he’s spreading but more fool the believers…..they are usually the ones who believe nasty lies and think the nice truth about someone’s life is also a lie

    truth is Thin was a very protective caring person when we were seeing each other for over 5 years….he single handily bought up his kids and they are his world and he would do anything for them….plenty of married fathers don’t give a fk about their kids let alone divorced ones….but he stepped up to the plate

    lies are spread about alot of us here……

    I didn’t know abut Thin’s raising of his kids. I’ve always been a bit ambiguous about him, and still am, but my respect for him deepened on this. There are a few here who know how hard it is to raise kids on their own.

    As for the constant ‘accusation’ that one of his children are gay. Pffft. A lot of people are gay – some say as many as one in twenty, maybe more (impossible to quantify). It’s a sign of total backwardness to make an issue of this. It’s like getting hysterical because one child is left-handed. Laughable. Some people should really grow up.

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    Donald Trump said Ilhan Omar is ‘pro al-Qaida’ — she’s said nothing of the sort

    She has previously spewed out antisemetic comments though hasn’t she, then washed her hands of them once she gained political power

    This is totally inadequate.

    I hadn’t really thought about Ilhan Omar until this thread prompted me to google and wiki her, leading me to some good papers on the video doctored by Trump which I pointed to earlier in this thread.. I know how inadequate these can be, but until someone shows me better, she emerges as an incredibly aware person who is capable of admitting she’s wrong and growing up by moving forward.

    Like many Muslims (including in britian), she has made anti-semitic comments, attacking the Jews for the actions of the State of Israel. However bad this may be, it’s a result of the anger over the Israeli government’s repressive attitude towards those Palestinians displaced from their homes by violence and fear when Israel was established (the Deir Yassin massacre being the most notorious incident, but by no means the only one). Crowded into a small enclave, the Palestinians of Gaza have suffered countless Israeli bombing and military attacks to keep them in their place, with hundred of civilians among the dead.

    The good thing about Omar is that when it was pointed out to her that she was making racist, anti-semitic statements, she was big enough to admit that she was wrong and to apologise. :good:



    The moronic racist chanting of Send Them Home the other day brought home to many people the dangerous racism developing under Trump.

    Sajid Javad, the Tory Home Secretary – who grew up in Bristol, playing on the Stapleton Road – has spoken of how that chant ‘Send Them Home’ reminded him of similar chants in Britain , and the way they made him and his family feel threatened and in danger.

    Trump encouraged all this, but yesterday he backtracked a little, saying he was unhappy with the racist morons. I think someone must have tapped him on the shoulder and pointed out that while 70% of the US is white,  a lot of moderate whites have been profoundly disturbed by the demand that  elected non-white American Congresswomen be sent home merely because they are openly fighting for social justice and equality in America. maybe not such an election-winner.

    What a scumbag of a man is Trump!


    Mooosey..come on give me a break. Should have directed it to SCEP..comments about the wealthy..Trump sugar coats.


    In my opinion yes, was trying to say if it here or uk, those wealthy worked hard at it, sacrifices made any and all people should be entitled. Share in tax expenses, giving break if need some too. Why or when does it say if you have worked hard, earned that money you have to support all, not allowed advantages too which can help.

    SCEP HATES TRUMP. Got it. I have agreed Trump not perfect.



    I am still laughing at your hypocrisy.  In one breathe you tolerate homophobia on the boards and have NEVER piped up to challenge it until others did recently in the few years I have posted here and in the next breathe you are now spouting a lofty sermon about how it is “like being left handed”. While you describe it as “backwardness”, as vile an insult as the actual homophobia.


    I realize you live in a bubble, but a large perecentage of  chatters on JC with children have brought them up singlehandedly. It is irrelevant, people who dish out personal abuse, which Thin does frequently, should not cry wolf when they get it back.


    Secondly, your opinion carries no weight with me, whatsoever. You are now arguing  antisemitism is acceptable because Omar is a muslim, at the same time as you condemn what you allege is racial abuse from the American president, complete and utter bullshit and a cop out. You also provided NO evidence to back up your claims regarding the vidoes and made a pithy excuse about it, on this very thread.

    Don’t forget now, you’re the man who flings out labels of antisemitism and racism and xenophobia on a regular basis on these boards as and when it suits you and now hilariously you are attemtping to justify REAL antisemitism and not the antisemitism you make up when it suits you to close down debate.


    Pretty much sums you up as does your patronizing “history” lesson for seven year olds, which we are all well aware of anyway (those of us with an interest).








    Some of us have worked hard and saved for what we have now and not pissed it up against the wall all our lifes to give it away  B-) B-)

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