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  • #317190

    I finish at 12 on maundy thursday, I love the fact our low paid department still has some perks lol!

    Dont know what we are doing yet. If the weather is forecast ok we might escape to the coast for one of the days.


    Not sure meself at the moment, Me Mums booked a caravan at the coast for the
    weekend, and said to go with her…But iv a Dog, and she`s a nightmare to take away..So might just stay here, with me mates..Plus its still cold, as Easter falls early.. so dont
    think its gonner be that warm!! Will wait until next week..see what the weather will
    be like. What ever though 4 days of blissssssss…. :D


    Snow, Sleet, and wind forcast for the Easter Weekend!! :shock:



    @prettypink wrote:

    Snow, Sleet, and wind forcast for the Easter Weekend!! :shock:

    So,,,,,,,,,judging by most of the weather forecasts then, it could be sunny, mild and really quite pleasant :lol: :lol:

    Well so long as the weather holds out, on Sunday, going to take my son, his girlfreind and my very brand new grandaughter to the coast for the day :)


    “The Coast”

    :lol: Cracks me up … sounds like you’re all off to the French Riviera or something.


    @catz wrote:

    “The Coast”

    :lol: Cracks me up … sounds like you’re all off to the French Riviera or something.

    this is the Coast….

    aweee memories….,_Western_Australia


    @catz wrote:

    “The Coast”

    :lol: Cracks me up … sounds like you’re all off to the French Riviera or something.

    thats cos some coasts down here can be quite idylic :wink:

    Catz wrote:
    “The Coast”

    :lol: Cracks me up … sounds like you’re all off to the French Riviera or something.

    Are you moaking as you aren’t going away over easter? You can come with us if you so wish, we can squeeze on more little person in! Please say yes



    @catz wrote:

    “The Coast”

    :lol: Cracks me up … sounds like you’re all off to the French Riviera or something.

    What is it that ‘cracks you up’ so much.

    Why is the idea of taking my family out for the day such an odd idea :roll:


    @cas wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    “The Coast”

    :lol: Cracks me up … sounds like you’re all off to the French Riviera or something.

    What is it that ‘cracks you up’ so much.

    Why is the idea of taking my family out for the day such an odd idea :roll:

    No hun! I think its the word ” Coast” a few people here have asked where it is.. intsead of the seaside.. we say the “Coast” and it seem to make people laugh. some people havent heard of that word.

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