Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Life after this one…

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    I actually agree with what you say on Christianity Sceptical, it has contributed to the murder of countless people  but my stance is you have to compare both religions at equal stages of their evolution.. comparing 21st century Islam to 12th century Christianity crusades is like comparing apples and oranges. One has moved with the times to an extent, one hasn’t. It’d be like comparing medical fields in the Uk to the states saying the US is far superior because in the UK we put leeches on people circa 1850.

    I’m not particularly angry, just call a spade a spade and as you mentioned lifes finite so am fairly blunt to the point with things- no intention of appearing thuggish. I read what you write, along with others and quote passages I disagree with, no personal issue with you on here.

    Bar any Islamic extremism ( or Christian extremism) I will be back next week. I try to ignore Q, he appears on countless threads giggling like a school girl with either lame jokes or phrases he’s found on social media which apparently give us all a purpose to life.


    Actually,my jokes were found before social media was invented and there is no try – only do. And yes i appear on countless there a law against that? and it’s no big secret that i don’t feel the need to keep putting mafia down like he does me.

    It’s a big lack of self esteem when one has to put other’s down to make one’s self feel better. I’m sure mafia’s a great person. Do i want or need to put the person down?

    Seeing as mafia thinks he has a right to be arrogant rude and disrespectful..shall i fight back?  no it’s ok…….we’ve all been there.

    Don’t try to do any thing……attempt it by all means but never just try. Do it or don’t.

    As for Life after this one………enjoy the life you got now…it’s a good one


    so to go back to my question, why is this thread well funny???


    As for Life after this one………enjoy the life you got now…it’s a good one

    I had a good friend who had motor neurone disease. If you had told her this, she wouldn’t have punched you because she would have been too weak, but she would have asked you o leave.

    As for those of us who are more fortunate, some actually enjoy these discussions, mister q. Not all. M any prefer heavy metal music. That’s fine. Not for me, but I don’t interfere with them. Some prefer light-hearted banter – that’s fine too. Who am I to interfere? Sometimes I’ll join in.

    But for some of us, serious discussions are also part of enjoying life.


    Just as a baby in the womb has no sense of what existence is like after birth, we have no sense of what happens after death. . I believe death isn’t the end.

    These two things are self contradictory.. how can we have no sense after death, but it not being the end. If we have no conscious state after death, it’s the end in every way imaginable unless you regard becoming worm food a state constituting life.

    I didn’t mean it in that way, I meant more that we have no knowledge, we cannot perceive what happens after death, the same way we cannot comprehend life outside of the womb. Yes, I believe our physical bodies dies but our souls, our spirits, that very thing that makes us who we are transcends death. NDE’s fascinate me, I appreciate that a lot of them can be explained medically but there are some that defy explanation. At a later stage I’ll find a couple of links where renowned scientists have stated there is some (and I stress some) evidence to support that we have some awareness after death.

    I’m not good at acronyms, Nemesis. I’m sure it must be obvious but could you explain NDEs?

    I agree with you, by the way. If we can’t talk rationally about what happens after we die – and how can we? – nevertheless we can talk speculatively, and such experiences are important in providing such speculation.

    I really like the Catholic mystic, Adrienne von Speyr. She was a doctor in the middle of the last century whose thoughts on what happened on Easter Saturday were fed by her experience of death in families. She noticed the way a mother reacted to her son as he died, and the reaction of the son to his mother in his last moments. Traumatic, yes!

    Her thoughts were profound, in my opinion, but purely speculative, no scientific basis to them at all. They’re to be taken as seriously as your Bryan Melvin, and as seriously as Norfolk’s assertion that when we’re dead, we’re dead.

    “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio/Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”, as Hamlet said.


    NDE’s (Near death experiences)

    The comparison I was trying to make was that we know what happens after birth because we experience it. How would you, how could you explain life to a baby in the womb? Same thing with death. I accept totally that there may be no afterlife,no God, that our brief lives here really are just random chance but I just don’t believe it myself. There have been so many cases where people have ‘died’ and come back utterly, completely convinced that there is something beyond death.

    For me, the very fact that we contemplate death, our thirst for knowledge, our need to know suggests that there is a bigger picture.

    Practically every NDE experience leaves that person convinced of life after death (existence maybe rather than life) and leaves them wanting to be better people. Why?

    Death is the beginning of another stage of our existence.

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    I had a near death experience…..but it’s a joke so i’ll forget it for now…..LOL

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    You basically had a one-liner lol, our favourite Q :)

    I had a near death experience…..but it’s a joke so i’ll forget it for now…..LOL


    If you have ever had a General Anaesthetic then you know what life will be after death. One second you are talking to the Nurses or Surgeon ,split second later they are waking you up ,after 15/30 /minutes ! or even several hours .


    Well, I’ll run to the back my Aunty Minnie’s house.

    The mystery of death resolved at one stroke. It’s the same as when you’re given an anaesthetic.

    No ifs, no buts, no doubts. The numbing of nerves and the deep sleep of our consciousness during an operation is the same as the heart stopping and the brain dying.

    How do you know, hell to be with?

    I knew a woman who died temporarily and then came back. Such cases aren’t uncommon. Nemesis has met similar people. My friend had experiences during death – not like an anaesthetic at all.

    That doesn’t mean you’re wrong. You may well be right. but just coming into the middle of a discussion about certainty and, with great certainty, informing us all what death is like is either an act of unusually powerful knowledge or of monumental stupidity.

    It can’t be the latter, surely, so how do you know?

    Are you sure that death isn’t the same as watching the telly on Saturday night??

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