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  • #1019656

    Did you actually read the article, or just single that last coment I made,out?

    like it or not its a fact, and it isnt just in Germnay either…its Sweden, Norway, France, (where there are now go areas for women, because the muslim men dont like unacompianed women) This is europe, not Saudi!

    As it states in the article, they have NO intention of integrating at all. They want everything their own way, and whine like babies when they dont get it.

    It might be an unpopular statement, but nevertheless it the truth….inviting the 3rd world into the west as Merkel has done is insanity.

    Look at Italy and Greece, where hoards of Africans arrive daily. They riot in the refugee centres, complaining about lack of internet and the food.

    ermmmm, arenr these people fleeing war and terror? Wouldnt you think they would be at least a bit grateful to their host country?


    The muslim thing aside…..that comment you made is disgustingly shocking….not everyone from the third world are rapists….murderers…..thieves I know that maybe hard to believe….because there are none of those in the western world right?

    Let me remind you….my ancestors are from the “third world” and I can assure you everyone I know of the same…friends and family can hold their head up high and are able to integrate into any community we so wish as decent human beings and contribute to that community in a highly positive way.

    People comming from a country where rape is socially accepted are much more likely to be rapists than other people are though, surely you can’t deny this.

    Specifically I was thinking of the practice of Taharrush, which is what happened in Cologne last new years eve. Do you think this would have happened if Germany took immigrants from other third world countries, such as those in South America where this would not have been acceptable.


    Qur’an on its own without the use of the Sunnah, hadith etc. is a thing and does exist – called Quranism.

    I didn’t actually know it had a name.

    For me you really need to take a tough stance and go on an all out offensive on their entire belief system to really get anywhere. A good way to visualise this is to think of a tree in your garden; you have the main trunk and the branches as the Islamic literature, the leaves which you hate and want to always get rid of representing all of the Islam-related social problems, and then poisonous fruits representing the terrorism which you also want rid of. While bearing in mind that this tree is constantly growing: rather than trying to mould it into something that it naturally isn’t, or rather than individually keep plucking off all of the leaves that you hate, or keep plucking off all of the poisonous fruits, would it not be more sensible to just cut the tree down?

    Trees don’t have nuclear weapons though (Pakistan, maybe Iran).

    But what might legitimately be deemed radicalism could also be expressed in more inconspicuous forms, such as helping to spread misinformation and deceit and propaganda about Islam

    I think the left wing media is doing that for them though:

    I actually think some of the editors and Huffington Post must be closet muslims though, this is just a small sample of the pro-islamic propaganda they published last year.

    or of being a woman who’s just hell-bent on pumping out 7 babies a week which aids in growing the Muslim population.

    That is more an issue of poverty and education, people who have a decent ammount of money don’t have many children and the same is true of muslims.

    What does moderate Islam mean for you, or how would you define it?

    Much the same as moderate christianity. Where very few, if any of their practices are actually followed.

    I will probably give a more detailed response to you later, but i’m fairly busy at the moment.


    “In recent days, a new term has suddenly appeared in the media to describe a supposedly Arab cultural practice: “taharrush gamea.” The term, which is misspelled (the second word should read gama’ei), just means “group harassment” in Arabic, but right-wing commentators are trying their hardest to convince you that it actually means “sexual assault by a bunch of Arab men” or “gang-rape game” and that it’s a normal thing in the Arab World.

    They’re wrong, of course, on all fronts. But the invention of the term and the sudden currency it has gained in the mainstream Western media tells a darker tale of how xenophobic right-wing groups in Europe have cynically used reports of sexual violence against women to further a deeply racist, anti-refugee agenda.”



    As it states in the article, they have NO intention of integrating at all. They want everything their own way, and whine like babies when they dont get it.

    ermmmm, arenr these people fleeing war and terror? Wouldnt you think they would be at least a bit grateful to their host country?

    I don’t think in most cases its the actual Syrian refugees who are doing this, its the migrants from other countries going along with them that are causeing most of the trouble. Germany isn’t very good at being able to tell the difference, considering a Chinese tourist got placed in one of the refugee shelters.


    They’re wrong, of course, on all fronts. But the invention of the term and the sudden currency it has gained in the mainstream Western media tells a darker tale of how xenophobic right-wing groups in Europe have cynically used reports of sexual violence against women to further a deeply racist, anti-refugee agenda.”

    It’s not a common practice i’ll admit, but it does happen.

    If you tried to arrange something like this with your group of friends, i’m sure they would say no, and probably report you to the police. That’s the problem with it.

    But claiming Arabic cultures aren’t sexist is pretty funny. Iran was okay for that in the 80’s from what I understand, but it has regressed pretty far back by now.


    Did you actually read the article, or just single that last coment I made,out? 

    Like I said….the muslim thing aside….I was talking about that specific comment yes I singled it out….you cant say that comment is in the context of your link because those people aren’t the only ones from the third world. It includes lots more Asians…including my family

    You obviously think people like me cant integrate into the Western world…please elaborate how I encroach on your life in a negative way and where shall I fukc off too?


    The muslim thing aside…..that comment you made is disgustingly shocking….not everyone from the third world are rapists….murderers…..thieves I know that maybe hard to believe….because there are none of those in the western world right? Let me remind you….my ancestors are from the “third world” and I can assure you everyone I know of the same…friends and family can hold their head up high and are able to integrate into any community we so wish as decent human beings and contribute to that community in a highly positive way.

    People comming from a country where rape is socially accepted are much more likely to be rapists than other people are though, surely you can’t deny this. Specifically I was thinking of the practice of Taharrush, which is what happened in Cologne last new years eve. Do you think this would have happened if Germany took immigrants from other third world countries, such as those in South America where this would not have been acceptable.

    I have no idea what Taharrush is, unlike you I’m not an expert on this subject….you either have an unhealthy obsession with all things muslim or like I have said before you have a hidden agenda….I don’t sit here thinking about rape being socially acceptable in any country….why the hell would any normal person think such a thing….its up to the authorities in the relevant countries to deal with criminals no matter where they originate from…you don’t need to assume I cant deny anything you type


    I have no idea what Taharrush is, unlike you I’m not an expert on this subject….you either have an unhealthy obsession with all things muslim or like I have said before you have a hidden agenda….I don’t sit here thinking about rape being socially acceptable in any country….why the hell would any normal person think such a thing….its up to the authorities in the relevant countries to deal with criminals no matter where they originate from…you don’t need to assume I cant deny anything you type

    Why would you want immigration from a country that you know very little about? :unsure:

    And I don’t think I have an unhealthy obsession with muslims, I know just as much about christianity. I don’t think I could name a single celebrity though, which a lot of people seem to have unhealthy obsessions with. Religion is much more interesting to me.


    Anti Muslims who dubiously claim “rape” is the norm in the Middle East and then automatically link it to Muslims and the Islamic faith, really should look much closer to home. Some facts for them about violence and sexual assault against women in the UK.


    Here are some key statistics about sexual violence:


    • Approximately 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped in England and Wales alone every year; that’s roughly 11 rapes (of adults alone) every hour. These figures include assaults by penetration and attempts.
    • Nearly half a million adults are sexually assaulted in England and Wales each year
    • 1 in 5 women aged 16 – 59 has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16
    • Only around 15% of those who experience sexual violence choose to report to the police
    • Approximately 90% of those who are raped know the perpetrator prior to the offense.

    These figures come from An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales, the first ever joint official statistics bulletin on sexual violence released by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Home Office in January 2013.


    While violence against men continues to fall, new research uncovers upward trend coinciding with austerity-led cuts to domestic violence services.

    Women’s groups say it is no coincidence that the rise begins at the same time as the financial crisis and the beginning of austerity politics in Britain. They are calling for a reversal of cuts to specialist domestic violence services. Many have closed as a result of belt-tightening in local government since 2010.




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