Boards Index General discussion Getting serious NEW Internet watchdog…

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    this is a intresting read, wonder if it will really help the problems with the internet, also mentioned about online bullying…


    Yes I noticed this as well Mary. Hopefully it will not end up as yet another Government “initiative” designed to catch the headlines and sink into oblivion after only a few short months.

    This whole field of cyber or internet bullying is becoming more and more high profile these days and for those of us involved with “safeguarding” children, the concept of them being bullied via mobile texts; social networking sites; and internet chatrooms and message boards etc is getting to be quite a worry.

    Problem is that there is a very fine line indeed between relatively harmless “banter” or someone expressing a controversial view and comments deliberately intended to hurt or belittle somebody or intended to be intentionally offensive.


    Bullying on the internet is such a terrible problem isn’t it. But so is lying on the internet. I wonder if the Government will bring in an initiative to prevent compulsive liars from having access to the internet.


    Dont you want Kevin online then ?


    The council will report directly to the Prime Minister and be tasked with tackling issues like online bullying and violent video games.

    What a complete waste of time and money. There is a simple solution to online bullying, don’t go online. Like when you hear these cases of kids being bullyed via text. Simple take the phone off them then they cant be bullyed. But no thats to simple lets waste 20 trillion on setting up another qango full of so called experts to print a load of posters saying dont pick on people who are to dumb to turn their phone or comps off or to dumb to press the iggy button !


    What a complete waste of time and money. There is a simple solution to online bullying, don’t go online. Like when you hear these cases of kids being bullyed via text. Simple take the phone off them then they cant be bullyed. But no thats to simple lets waste 20 trillion on setting up another qango full of so called experts to print a load of posters saying dont pick on people who are to dumb to turn their phone or comps off or to dumb to press the iggy button !

    Brilliant argument! This would work with road rage too – solution – don’t drive.
    And other things too: Scared of a random street attack – don’t go out. Scared of being sacked? – don’t get a job…….. :lol:


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    What a complete waste of time and money. There is a simple solution to online bullying, don’t go online. Like when you hear these cases of kids being bullyed via text. Simple take the phone off them then they cant be bullyed. But no thats to simple lets waste 20 trillion on setting up another qango full of so called experts to print a load of posters saying dont pick on people who are to dumb to turn their phone or comps off or to dumb to press the iggy button !

    Brilliant argument! This would work with road rage too – solution – don’t drive.
    And other things too: Scared of a random street attack – don’t go out. Scared of being sacked? – don’t get a job…….. :lol:

    I though thats what everyone done :lol:

    Street attack’s happen infront of you so do road rage attack. I just dont see how anyone can get bullied by someone who lives in another country 10,000 miles away.


    Yeah, how will that work if the site is in another country?


    Internet SAS squad’s will be sent after a recce has been carried out should they wish to accept the missi….. hang on i’m getting me who dares wins mixed up with me mission impossibles (and whose bright idea was it to cast short arse in the films)


    @lil fek wrote:

    Yeah, how will that work if the site is in another country?

    The geographical location of the server that is hosting the site you visit bears no relation to the content on that site or for that matter to the geographical location of the contributors.

    JustChat is a so-called UK site but the server might be in Timbuktoo or wherever and a number of members are from countries other than the UK.

    My take on this is that it is primarily aimed at children who are ‘bullied’ via text messages; social networking sites; and yes …. internet chatrooms and message boards. I suspect that their remit may well include adults, but their main focus will be on children.

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