Boards Index General discussion Getting serious rising energy costs

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  • #377124

    now this is interesting , if i agree to put both my gas and electric under british gas and manage my account online and to paperless billing i can save a £154 a year!!!

    British Gas Click Energy 6 Dual Fuel
    You must manage your account online
    You must agree to paperless billing
    1444 reviews £469.86 Save £154.14 unavailable on uSwitch

    stops looking up online at work n goes back to work lol


    Having previously (and no doubt at boring length) extolled the virtues of making bio-diesel with which we run the jeep and the oil stove central heating, we are now in the process of acquiring an old lister engine (originally used to generate power in a milking parlour on the Isle of Coll) which runs purely on waste oil that requires only filtering and not the full processing.
    Hopefully, this will take us off the national grid and enable us to run all our electricity for practically nothing.
    I think more and more of us are having to find alternative ways to generate heat and light and fuel.
    It’s the elderly and those in poverty that my heart quivers for. No doubt this coming winter will see an ever greater cull of the frail and vulnerable, those who have to choose between food or warmth..and those who can choose neither.
    Still, that’ll suit Baroness Warnock, the ku nt!


    There are many reasons I don’t like British Gas, but I think the main one is, they are always first to put there prices up.

    I would never use them.

    Dishwashers……..Its one of those energy tests we give the trainees to do.

    We give them 4 old dishwashers to install and then calculate the running costs verse washing by hand. Its always a lot of fun for them and they always find out that washing by hand is the most expensive way to clean your plates.

    Will pop the charts up for you if you like. If you shop around you can pick one up second hand for less than £100, (don’t use them silly tablets in them, there useless)

    Don’t buy a calor gas room heater prettypink, you can’t use them in houses (illegal) and you are putting your family at risk from co2 poisoning.


    im in the same boat cath ,im still paying off my last gas bill of £495 thats just for 6 months gas and for 4 months my heating systems been off ,so i wont be turning my system on over the winter not with the price increase i cant aford to ,so plenty of early nights and lots of hot water bottles for me


    @flame wrote:

    im in the same boat cath ,im still paying off my last gas bill of £495 thats just for 6 months gas and for 4 months my heating systems been off ,so i wont be turning my system on over the winter not with the price increase i cant aford to ,so plenty of early nights and lots of hot water bottles for me

    i dont owe them anything flame its my monthly payments that have nearly doubled, blimey @ £495 you had ur meter checked?


    About a year or so ago BG put my electric up from 35 quid a month to 105.

    I ended up in tears on the phone and they made no apology for not sorting out the defecit earlier despite me providing readings regularly.

    Bloody swines, I’ll never forget that day.


    Don’t they just burn cars where you live shaz to keep warm ???


    BG are a total waste of space. I had a meter reading and the guy got it below the previous reading – so they calculater that the meter had gone round the clock – three times as much electricity in 3 months as the maximum supply to my house 24/7/ for 90 days. It was never reallysorted out – I switched supplier. When I rang in the final meter reading the lady tried to persuade me to stay – then I told her why I was leaving – she looked it and said that it was ludicrous – it should never have happend – but I pointed out that I had spoken to dozens of people who had all agreed – but it was never resolved. She agreed, the only sane thing was to get rid of BG.


    @chickenman wrote:

    Don’t they just burn cars where you live shaz to keep warm ???

    They’ve even stopped doing just that, times are hard!


    I think some of you think gas meters always give the right reading, they don’t.

    They should be replaced every 15 years, most are not.

    British Gas estimated that 20% were over/under reading.

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