Boards Index General discussion Getting serious rising energy costs

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    In our old house, we had LPG Gas, we paid £600 in Gas in 2 months, we nearly died of shock!
    needless to say, we barley had our heating on after that

    We have just moved in June. We gonna give Eon a few months go then do a look on you switch to see who will be cheaper for us


    I think we should all jump into bed together to keep warm :P


    Im with NPower for both electric and gas, by direct debit i think its about £60 a month for everything. Does that sound about right?


    Depends on the size of your home, insulation and heating type.


    iv decided to invest in a wood burning stove, gonna cost me to have the fire opened ,but i think it will save me in the long run


    well i solved me energy costs i bought 12 hamsters and 12 wheels an a generator an the ‘lil hamsters are running round like good uns runnin me generator as we speak…….

    “faster faster u hamsters!!!!” lol


    I have a very small 3 bedroomed house
    8 radiators
    power shower
    gas fire
    combi boiler
    elctric oven gas hob cooker
    I was with British Gas (twa ts)
    Now with Scottish Power
    I have a pre payment meter

    I’m dreading the cold weather
    I just feed meter like a slot machine

    Should I keep my central heating on low 24?7?
    What should my thermostat setting be at

    (oh and my loft is fully insulated)


    First get rid of the pre payment meter !!!!!

    You’re paying well over the odds for your gas and electric with them. Set up a bank account and a monthly payment plan for about £5 -10 per week.

    Look for the best deals online.

    You need to keep the house about 18-21C, place room thermometers in each room, keep an eye on them and adjust the radiators accordantly.

    Remember that drafts in a house make it feel “warmer”, (the warm air moves around the house). So leave the doors open a bit or remove any draft proofing from internal doors.

    Keep the heating on 24 hours a day, at 18-21C you should see the saving within a few weeks.

    Remember houses that are too warm cause more illness than cold ones !!!!!!


    Thanks DOA
    I’ll try that as from today :D


    Just looked at my last reply and the temps are for offices, not homes with people in them with children or old people.


    °F °C
    78 25 Optimal for bathing, showering. Sleep is disturbed

    75 24 People feel warm, lethargic and sleepy. Optimal for unclothed people.

    72 22 Most comfortable year-round indoor temperature for sedentary people.

    70 21 Optimum for performance of mental work.

    64 18 Physically inactive people begin to shiver. Active people are comfortable.

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