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  • #1114691


    Unlike the right-wing élitist, Farage, who deserved it, It was pretty stupid for to milkshake this guy. He’s elderly, apparently very popular in the community, but also tough, as you would expect from an ex-para.

    It’s a travesty to call it thuggery. He laughed it off, said that strawberry milkshake was his favourite flavour, and wore the shirt throughout the day. He claimed that he would rather have debated with his assailant, something which earns my respect.

    He would be the first to say that a milkshake being thrown at him was small change, compared with the murder plots, rape jokes and actual murder of a single mum on the Remain side.

    Funny that Gerry doesn’t want to confront the argument that a no-deal brexit would lead to major unemployment, an attack on the NHS and a deterioration of food standards.

    Safer to concentrate on making up bizarre accusations that I had never met Linda, or bleating about liberal élites to cover the fact that it is the right-wing élites which are pushing their agenda of disaster and further impoverishment on ordinary people in this country.




    Don’t you dare speak for me, you sleazy old tosser. You are by far the biggest hypocrite on this site Geoffrey, you rage about the far right while kissing the arse of far right members on this site because they didn’t say horrible words to you personally.


    You still haven’t answered my question.


    When are you going to man up and admit publicly that you did NOT meet “Linda”?



    Hurry up.





    avoiding the hard questions about brexit.

    Now I wonder why??

    What on earth leads you to think I haven’t met Linda?? I have no understanding of what lies behind this. She visited the UK more than a year ago and brought me some Criterion dvds which I had asked for. These are very expensive to buy in the UK, and are much better quality than any dvd or blu ray made in the UK, barring none (including BFI). She was staying at a London hotel, and was very generous, buying me a coffee and offering me a meal, which I politely declined. She had a low voice and a very clear and pleasant New York accent, quite similar to the Ontario Canadian accent. We went for a walk in the area, which was cut short by the February rain, and had a pleasant and amusing conversation.

    Now why should this be of the least interest to you, other than trying to wriggle out of an argument which you can’t make (there comes a point where even you must tire of continually repeating the ‘liberal élite’ mantra? Do you really live in the Walter Mitty world of wacky-woo where your odd speculations are turned into fact??

    Unfortunately, the real enemies of this country aren’t such Walter Mittys, and a milkshake may be funny but it won’t stop them. I wait on the election results on Sunday to read the runes.



    What on earth leads you to think I haven’t met Linda?? I have no understanding of what lies behind this. She visited the UK more than a year ago and brought me some Criterion dvds which I had asked for. These are very expensive to buy in the UK, and are much better quality than any dvd or blu ray made in the UK, barring none (including BFI). She was staying at a London hotel, and was very generous, buying me a coffee and offering me a meal, which I politely declined. She had a low voice and a very clear and pleasant New York accent, quite similar to the Ontario Canadian accent. We went for a walk in the area, which was cut short by the February rain, and had a pleasant and amusing conversation.

    Those DVDs are readily available online, as well you know. I don’t believe you, said so at the time and am saying so now. If as I have been led to believe tonight, that the truth is going to emerge, then you will be exposed for what you are. When you are exposed your time on this site will be over and you know it.


    I also know, you tried persuading Blossom to drive 300km to meet you.


    I think your a wrong un. Despite your bluster.




    Anything to avoid the evil consequences of a no-deal brexit – anything at all. no argument, so throw some baseless accusation in.

    Mooosey once threw that accusation about Blossom in, and I carefully explained the actual truth. That was when I regarded her as a friend and took the trouble to explain what had actually happened. You think I’m going to do the same with a creep like you??

    Like a cheap man’s version of Jeremy Kyle, you’ve been going around gathering information up from your little peep-eyes and idle informers, but you actually know nothing. You don’t care what’s true or not; anything which is grist to your little rumour-mill is good to be going on with, and is turned into ‘truth’ and then elaborated into scandal.

    You really think I’m going to fall into your dirty little game of having to deny and explain a thousand little accusations. The more I deny, the more you laugh and bring out some new little piece of fantasy. Have you got nothing better to do with your life than snoop around in affairs that don’t concern you? Obviously not.

    People here will have a laugh at anything as long as it disgraces and humiliates someone, and you are one of the chief purveyors of turning these boards into a nasty little cesspool of gossip.

    You’re accused of being homosexual. I don’t know whether that’s true or not,  but I really don’t care. A lot of people are attracted to their own gender – it’s none of my business, and entirely yours. Thin is accused of hanging around sleazy sexclubs – whose business is that? it may be true, it may be a lie to embarrass him. It’s his affair what he does, and none of any dirty little snoop who should be minding their own affairs.

    So rather  than picking up on idle gossip and assuming it’s true, let me say to you what Catholics gradually began to say to the dirty little priests who were sniffing around their bedroom – Keep your nose and your filthy mind out of people’s private affairs, creep



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    Geoffrey, anyone who counts on this site knows exactly what you are. You’re a troll, a wind up merchant, an obsessive dominating and abusive old man.


    You don’t control what’s happening here. You have no control.


    The moment you stepped into my private life, you creepy old cunt,  you unleashed my wrath and unless you get me banned there is nothing you can do about it.





    People here will have a laugh at anything as long as it disgraces and humiliates someone, and you are one of the chief purveyors of turning these boards into a nasty little cesspool of gossip.

    I know three women who stopped posting precisely because of you, you creepy old cunt, you really shouldn’t make these silly accusations. You never learn do you.






    You’re accused of being homosexual.

    Lol. “accused”. This is how your brain works, Geoffrey, this is how you view the world, you prehistoric dinosaur. No grown ups give a dam in 2019.






    Oh and one last thing (before i’m banned), Geoffrey, you creepy old cunt, just in case you think it bypassed me. You repeat what other people say about other chatters because your a sly old turd who then ‘innocently’ claims you are merely “highlighting” something, when in fact you know exactly what you are doing. Everything you accuse others of doing, you do, in spades and I know that for a fact, I only do facts, Geoffrey.


    Ha Ha Ha.








    Poor mans jez kyle lol.

    Perhaps try being like your name sake ge , ge in the kyle show.

    Gerry if people want to meet from meeting in chat and exchange gifts i think thats great.

    A possible sign of friendship?

    Something that will never be bestowed on you here by anyone.

    Man up and stop acting like a shit stirring teenage girl.


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