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  • #1111836

    Come on skep fairs fair.

    Florida / fish, fruit.

    Texas/ steak

    Idaho/ vegtables.

    Chicago / pizza

    Banarama sang about the corn in carolina.

    I also hear the sausages in winconsin are to die for.

    Surely there must be something there skep?

    If i do a jc come dine with me skep il get you in some salt and shake crisps perhaps?

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    It was actually bucks fizz who used that line not banarama, for those of us old enough to remeber that impressive eurovision song entry.

    Still no excuse feel free to chide me.



    I think our food tastes differ, milky.

    I like mushrooms, but in moderation.

    I did have a mushroom meal in a Belgian restaurant once, but felt sick as a dog at the end of it.

    The US South does have its own regional style, as Linda notes, but I did find that the US as a whole sweetens its food.

    You can get good food there, but you have to pay for it, though the same is true anywhere, I guess.

    It really is a question of personal taste, but there is more to it than that. The quick-food, dunkin’donuts/coca cola culture whihc began in the US and has spread over Europe is not good for your health. Nor is the music of bananarama and buck’s fizz.

    The food causes obesity and diabetes, a major problem in the US and becoming a major problem here.

    The music causes brain rot.

    Fortunately, America has antidotes. Its contemporary culture is among the best you can enjoy (I’m thinking particularly of the poetry, but also the music). I don’t know about the food, though.


    Actually, bananarama and buck’s fizz are British, not American.

    I think?

    But the Americans have their own awful music. I once went to a dance where they played awful redneck C&W music.

    One woman approached me and asked me if I wanted to shag. She wondered why I looked stunned, until my friend whispered in her ear that the word means something very different in Britain. She looked at me, smiled, and said “we’re liberal here, but not that liberal” :yes:   :yes:   :yes:


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    Yes skep bucks fizz are british.

    when i said they performed at the eurovisions that was the clue!

    And one member of banannarama came from bristol.

    However i would like to dedicate a song for linda.

    The tune is bristol buses by fred wedlock.

    As we say in bristol ave some of that my babbers!


    Oh yeah whats wrong with listening to the 2 above bands then?

    No offence skep but who are you tell me what bands to listen to?



    Skep if a woman asks to shag you in a bar after a few drinks thats non on is it.

    Must have been a horrific thing to happen.

    I can only offer my empathy.



    Can we all call you Soph Soph? LMAo RATF PML


    LOL Sceppers thinks every thing he knows is the bees knees….it’s called arrogance… is just personal choice. Problem is with the way Sceppers and many other talk…they talk to you like every thing they know is the best or only way….In my opinion that’s just inward thinking……you can’t move forward by harping on about the past…..

    Here’s a question…….why are so many rude to others because they are older than them and then say…..well you should respect me?…..

    Its very difficult to respect older people when they act like 5 year olds……….PML LMAO RATf



    Didn’t fred Wedlock sing Oldest Swinger in Town? LMAO RATF PML

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