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  • #377407

    No.. It should be right, it should NEVER fail lol.. Oh God, i’ve got expectations from a Search Engine!


    @woohoo wrote:

    No.. It should be right, it should NEVER fail lol.. Oh God, i’ve got expectations from a Search Engine!

    Thats almost as optimistic as having expectations from a human being! LOL


    Some are just raring to go, as soon as you type in the first letter, it’s taking you places..


    no search engine has ever taken me anywhere!!!


    do i need to upgrade summat to get this ‘special’ service?



    Depends! :wink:


    @woohoo wrote:

    I was dragged here, against my will..

    Bought a new computer, just browsing for chatrooms, and i ended up on Justchat! I used to use the rooms, (trying to be funny).. (Flirting with the women) , and then realised that there were Message boards attached to the site, lol.
    I browsed, couldn’t think of a name, and someone had put a thread with the title: “Who am i?” So, i chose that as my name, although i got a lot of stick over it! :roll:

    Didn’t intend on taking the boards seriously, just wanted to try and make people laugh with the stuff that i posted! I got two lovely children out of it though, so.. Thanks Justchat..

    God the laughs we used to have when you was Who am I!!!! Lol@the trouble you had trying to get MSN, I nearly pulled all my hair out!!!!!


    this is such a fascinating thread to read and I’ve read all the posts
    It tell us so much more about you all
    I’ve made some good friends here
    and just lately a few more

    Long Live Just Chat
    youre all piggin nutters


    I first started using message boards in 1984. Its a bit different now, the computers are better and the sites too. Funny seem to be paying less now than in 1984, (I think my Prestal bill was about £20 per month…)

    Only use the technical sites and boards never anything this pointless. Used to be a very serous person, writing posts on under ground pipes and doing the “odd” item for trade mag’s .

    About 5 years ago, I took on a new contract for a major insurance company and found myself up at 2am with nothing but a sex doll for company.

    So look for someone to moan at and found forum1, it always seem to be busy with nutters. Over night there was only a few of us and we did have some fun.

    I started using the site in the day time and found out about the Chatguides, (God they knew less about computers than a 7 year old in a remedial computer class.)

    Me and my old friend Tony Montana became “boot off site” for about a year, something about us endlessly fighting in the rooms, using foul language and picking on people.

    The Chatguides become my new play things after this and still are. The tricks I’ve play on them over the years. I’d have the site owner “martin” pm me and asking me “why I was picking on his staff so much?” And soon got the title “JC moron” on the boards.

    I did look for my first post on here but its been deleted, all I could fined was a technical one.

    The rest must have been lost with the board upgrade.

    My best moment on here was when one Chatguide booted and banned 2 other ones thinking they were me, that still makes me laugh.


    I used to spend some time on another board but got kinda fed up with the subject matter of the threads which was mostly about sex and body parts, was meant to be funny but mostly wasnt. So I looked around for somewhere else to spend a little spare time and came upon JC.
    TBH I wasnt too impressed, most of the threads posted here didnt have any appeal for me, and I thought that a lot of people were very confrontational and not really very friendly, but I suppose it takes time….

    This is probably the most enjoyable thread I ever read on JC, it gives me an insight into the people here and why they are here, shows a more human side to them which I thought was missing before. :)


    a number 7 bus – the trains weren’t running that day.

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