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  • #490661

    So I’m bored, and having read everyone’s decided to do this (yup anything to get out of revision!!)

    Ok here are 20 questions to try and wake the forum up!

    The general topic this time is dating/flirting since you do it all so well….

    1) Where did you go on your first ever date? To a park… all just to get out of school!
    2) Where would you go now on a first date? Uhhmmm wherever he suggested/ took me.
    3) How far would you go with someone on a first date? Too hard to tell, would depend on the date.

    4) What is your biggest turn off? Arrogance / bad smell.

    5) What the the worst thing that has happened to you on a date? He spent the entire night talking to my best friend!

    6) Who in jc would you date (if your were/are single) Really, not answering that one!!

    7) What is the first thing you notice about someone of the opposite (or same if ya gay) Eyes / Arms

    8 ) What is the most embarrassing thing you have done in the presence of someone you liked? ‘Got off’ with his mate *shakes head at self*

    9) Are you a body language or a verbal flirt? Apparently both (but realise neither)

    10) If you could start again would you pick the same people as you have in the past? No no no and no!!

    11) Where would you go on a perfect dream date? Uhhmmm somewhere remote and deserted!

    12) Do you believe in love at first sight? Undecided

    13) Do you think you have been in love? Yeah, but was too young to know what to do about it

    14) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully qualified… (though I might want to study to do that!)

    15) What would you buy your partner on their first birthday with you? Something meaningful (i do quirky bday pressies)

    16) What has been the scariest moment of your life so far? pfftt do something once a day that scares you!

    17) Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes (but no Craig, that doesn’t mean you have achieved your goal of making me gay!! lol)

    18 ) Would you ever hook up with an ex? Been there, done that – never again!!!

    19) Do you sext when you are drunk? Yes…. really really badly, and everyone else gets told how much I love them!!

    20) Have you ever lied to attract someone? Only about liking a band I hated!!

    Ohhh that didn’t kill nearly enough time!! lol


    I was wondered where you were Bex!! Come back soon lol xxx


    Happy Birthday Mellow xxxx


    @boojangle wrote:

    Think I’ll pop over and say hello one evening ..

    I like the idea of a nice welcome rather than a ‘oh shyte … she’s here!’

    We are a friendlier bunch than this thread would make out!!!


    @desmondy wrote:

    @rockyblonde23 wrote:

    We just need some fresh meat and everything will be fine :) xxxx

    Fresh meat? I like the fact that you make Forum2 sound like a butchers shop rocks :D

    I think some of the meats gone off to be honest :shock:

    Butchers shop, meat market – either way Des :p hehe xxx


    @a certain sadness wrote:

    I take back all i said, your all lovely and friendly.

    Don’t be fooled :p lol xxx


    Maybe it’s a bit quieter because it is a bit smaller? It doesn’t have as many people who come in and as a result it looks as if it’s a bit cliquey… (i don’t think it is) We just need some fresh meat and everything will be fine :) xxxx


    it’s sweet that it’s all the nice people talking about this… None of the people being referred to ever comment hey. I think you’ve all got a point.

    I’ve met some lovely people on here (and met up with a few too) but you definitely have to be careful!!


    Hahaha dragged behind a chatter hugs? lol Who would you be dragged behind? :p


    Summed up perfectly Lucy – no further comment required. *Hugs* :D xxxx

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