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    Bass, belief systems (which is what islam is) are used in an interpretation way by those who believe in them, so the answer is yes and no. Yes to the hardliners like the imams you mention, but british society is seen by probably half muslims as worthwhile.

    Its like not all those connected to a football club agree with the manager or chairman.

    Its not just those who leave islam the hardliners want dead, its those who wont confom to the islamic dictatorship.

    But, if britain was 99% islamic, the softliners would welcome full sharia law. To them, saying what the hardliners want is like the non voters not voting, doesn’t seem any point.

    So the next time you see a relaxed muslim say “i like the way things are”, thats only because he/she doesn’t believe it can change.

    I totally agree with you last point.

    waspish – “it seems to me that the government want us all to feel threatened and scared whilst going about our daily lives”.

    Absolutely 100% correct. Then if the public show fear of the “bogeyman” (the supossedly muslim terrorists), the government can say, hey, don’t worry folks, we’ll protect you, but you’ll have to relinquish certain freedoms for this to happen…

    This planet has had many dictators who use fear to murder.

    Stalin – Hitler – Kim Jong-il – Hu Jintao – King Abdullah – Robert Mugabe – Teodoro Obiang Nguema – King Mswati III.

    Probably the worst dictator was Mao Zedong, he killed tens of millions, and yet whenever we hear about a very bad person its always Hitler, who probably only murdered 5.8 million, weird. Even Stalin murdered more.

    I wonder how many Gordon brown will have murdered? He’s keen on right wing soilders dieing…


    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Apart from the historical inaccuracy regarding Hitler etc (counting the POW dead, the holocaust and the civilian dead, Hitler was responsible for approx 20-25 million dead alone- you missed out Hirohito whose Japanese forces also killed approx 15-20 millions asians during his empire building in the late 30’s and WW2- anyway, its all subjective but worthy of debate)..apart from all that….there are some really good points Miss Lush

    Wow :D


    bin doin me homework emma got the book reading it as we speak, very interesting stuff. im not big on the new world order idea, but i can see where it could happen. i do think we need to wake the majority of british muppets with an education of what islam realy is. instead of having it trickled in via infant school education. it wont be long before little jhonny is demanding the qoran after tea and treating his sister like a punch bag. and swapping her for a wii game.. :cry:


    @slayer wrote:

    Apart from the historical inaccuracy regarding Hitler

    He was responsible for the deaths of 5.8 million.


    Wikipedia may list 5.8 million Holocaust deaths but for anyone who studies WW2, then they will know this does not include the 11 million Russian civilians or the 4 million Polish civilians killed by the Germans during advances and retreats through Poland and White Russia.

    Google it and see :wink:


    well said slayer…
    i wonder how many people have been killed by so called peace loving muslims in the last 5 years ? ill bet anything it rivals hitlers little jaunt in numbers.


    I doubt it would equal 20 million…thats rather a lot of people


    there are over 3 billion muslims. better get building a bunker matey cos theyre on the march, theyve got holland, france and germanyby the short and curlies and theyre doin a bleddy good job at undermining everything we take for granted. the only saving grace is that the oil will run out shortly and then its back to biblical days for saudi and co. only when they cant bribe barter and threaten will we see the real side of islam. i. slam [you jump]


    Im not suggesting you’re wrong slavery, but i can’t find what you say.


    slayer my matey. i looked and looked for all of a hour before i went to work today and i couldnt find anywhere that mentions them numbers. and im not saying your wrong at all. but. visit and add the numbers up for this yoer alone. [and were only in march] and you will see that the peace loving muslims have slaughtered over ten thousand OF THEIR OWN brothers an sisters. and before you say it, i know that georgr bush and blair have killed tens of thousands of muslims. but theyve done that for oil. nothing more. [exept blair who sees himself as a hero] bush and blair dont represent the ordinary brit. but time will tell wont it. i reckon that they will have to invade iran next. because the saudi and iraqui oil has oeaked and is in decline. and whatelse an america do but invade the next biggest oil country. ? call me a pessimist but ive got a feeling in me watters that the middle east war episode will roll on and on as long as we allow our country to follow bush and his bankers.

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