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  • #1053703

    And btw. That wasn’t why we fell out ?



    Just an add on … i mean no harm but Mizzy has admitted herself she has issues.. he choses women with issues No offence intended but. Mizzy. Blossom . Madmoiselle ? She’ll hate me for saying that but she’s not too stupid to see it pattern ?

    Of course there is a pattern, and I hate to say I told you so.


    Anyway. That’s not a public discussion x


    Ge. I didn’t need telling   I told you about it ?





    Can I just say, also, Alfred, the old fogie, is now abusing me in PM.



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    Anyway. That’s not a public discussion x

    Moose, liked you, still do, I told you so. Nothing more to add really.


    Curious how you single out those 3, well you chat with gam, gerry and subseven, what does that say about you ? 😁


    I’d ignore him. I’m quite expecting a barrage of made up crap. But really … I don’t care

    far more things to be be upset about in this life than an aging lothario trying to be clever and having nothing better to do than manipulate women to buff up his ego.

    More fool you who fall for it. It’s not like you haven’t been warned , by many !! 😊🙄

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    Just an add on … i mean no harm but Mizzy has admitted herself she has issues.. he choses women with issues No offence intended but. Mizzy. Blossom . Madmoiselle ? She’ll hate me for saying that but she’s not too stupid to see it pattern ?


    find me a woman (or man for that matter) in JC who doesn’t have issues


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