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  • #413468


    I’d like to know what I have lied about! pmsl, rofl and lmfao :lol: :lol: :lol:




    So if you take your time replying it’s because you have a life outside JC, but if anyone else does it it’s because they have to think about it? Hmmmmm :roll: You really are pathetic Annette….next time you may actually answer what was asked of you, or maybe should I say what you implied and cannot back up………..oh as for Anc, I am not pee’d off at all….just stating fact, but I imagine you are a little miffed for defending someone who when she rang me you was the first thing she wanted to talk about…. she probably has kept the conversation, apparantly she keeps records of everything, just ask her :lol: but never mind, I am sounding as bad as you now. You are a bully, just look at the evidence Annette, read back all my posts referring to Anc, count them and count all the posts you have done against me, then we can establish the bully………now you really are boring me, your like a dog with a bone, so hooked up on someone who apparantly you cannot give 2 hoots about but likes to interpret my life from snippets in the room and here, so much for ignore hey?
    I can iggy without using iggy… :roll:

    Now you are dismissed one final time, please refrain from posting on things that do not concern you, maybe you could get tablets for paranoia? Just a thought………



    pmsl :lol:


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    So if you take your time replying it’s because you have a life outside JC, but if anyone else does it it’s because they have to think about it? Hmmmmm :roll: You really are pathetic Annette….next time you may actually answer what was asked of you, or maybe should I say what you implied and cannot back up………..oh as for Anc, I am not pee’d off at all….just stating fact, but I imagine you are a little miffed for defending someone who when she rang me you was the first thing she wanted to talk about…. she probably has kept the conversation, apparantly she keeps records of everything, just ask her :lol: but never mind, I am sounding as bad as you now. You are a bully, just look at the evidence Annette, read back all my posts referring to Anc, count them and count all the posts you have done against me, then we can establish the bully………now you really are boring me, your like a dog with a bone, so hooked up on someone who apparantly you cannot give 2 hoots about but likes to interpret my life from snippets in the room and here, so much for ignore hey?
    I can iggy without using iggy… :roll:

    Now you are dismissed one final time, please refrain from posting on things that do not concern you, maybe you could get tablets for paranoia? Just a thought………

    Again Kent, if you read the thread properly … you would see my comments about ignoring on the boards… Do keep up! :roll:

    Right … firstly .. I have known anc a lot longer than you for a start.. and i quite frankly , don’t give a tofeee what she says or thinks about me… and i repeat. I would have defended who ever is was on these boards being bullied by you … you would not let it drop about the boots card .. every time she posted , you were there with your snidey , bit chy comments… which was totally uncalled for . you are the biggest “baiter” on these boards- and everyone can see it.

    As i already said Kent, you are peed off i defended her and bought it to the fore… again .. that is plain for all to see.

    One thing that i have now noticed as well , as i am sure others have too… How strange it is you always reply to my posts and yet completely ignore the one’s that Boo posts about you .. As for you dismissing me … :lol: I need to remind you Kent.. i am not a friend or member of your family …. you can’t just dismiss me when you feel like it :lol:

    Now toodle off back to your perfect life, and keep pretending that you are the innocent victim in all this- you said yourself ….. It’s in black and white for ALL to see.

    Have a nice day now ! :wink:


    Back to the thread topic which was thought for the day….

    What we see and dislike in others is often what we deny and hide from in ourselves.
    What we see and like in others is often what we either like about or aspire to be ourselves.

    Within ourselves, one should be addressed and removed, the other should be nurtured and encouraged. It is our choice which we address and which we nurture.


    The Two Wolves Within

    An old Cherokee told his grandson ‘Two wolves rage within us,

    One is Evil, it has many names:
    Anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false-pride, superiority and ego.

    The other is Good, it has many hues:
    Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

    The grandson thought for a minute and asked: ‘Which Wolf wins?’
    The Cherokee simply replied:

    ‘The one you feed!’

    Author: Zoya Zaidi
    Aligarh (UP), India
    Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi


    And My thought fot the day is ….

    If you give shyte .. you should be prepared to get it back :roll:


    And my second thought for the day is ….

    I wonder if the time will, come that i can actually type without typos :lol:


    Just a thought……………wonder if we can have a thread for arguements to keep it off the regular threads we could call it ” Have a dig at someone ” thread :D :D :D

    And I’m not naming names or singling anyone out at all cos some of the men on here are the biggest bi tches :lol: :lol:

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