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  • #1070934

    She’s nicked my emo !!!!!   REFEREE !!!!   LOL




    I’m sure we can share. B-)   :-)


    It’s great to help and especially when people you know or love are involved. Some times..well most of the time…you have to put your own house in order before you try and sort out some one elses. LOL




    I wish I could draw a bucket on here ……. Just saying  :mail:




    he is on another wind up.. Keeps him away from stalking the ladies I suppose.



    A couple things are Global warming is real, I am sick of certain politicians and their supporters parading around that it doesn’t exist or even that its a conspiracy, that is not a valid political position. I mean why would the vast majority of scientists make something like this up? So yeah that bothers me…Also plastic! I think it should be banned honestly. So there is the environmental concerns…but also just so much toxicity, conflict and such going on. I just haven’t seen america getting much ‘greater’ since Trump was elected…if anything I see lots more homeless people everywhere.


    Nothing really


    “THINGS GOING ON IN THE WORLD” A couple things are Global warming is real, I am sick of certain politicians and their supporters parading around that it doesn’t exist or even that its a conspiracy, that is not a valid political position. I mean why would the vast majority of scientists make something like this up? So yeah that bothers me…Also plastic! I think it should be banned honestly. So there is the environmental concerns…but also just so much toxicity, conflict and such going on. I just haven’t seen america getting much ‘greater’ since Trump was elected…if anything I see lots more homeless people everywhere.

    Why are you concerned over global warming when you will be long since dead before serious issues arise?


    north korea are testing some sort of massive bomb ive read in the paper that’s not my concern ive flicked to page 17 and this Justin topper clown who does the horrorscopes dunno if you guys know him but hes saying beware of sheep in wolfs clothing now I scared to leave the house. who do you guys think is more evil Justin topper or kim yung?


    Mafia so agree. With human survival and the suffering of the many with lack of food, shelter, warmth, no support, government should give back by each taking a portion of own money, supporting 25 personally themself. Makes me sick. 5 times a year go to city and do those midnight runs, feeding homeless, providing clothing. Providing 4 sandwiches and personal items..fruit, snacks, bagged to take Back to the cardboard boxes, or what ever nest they have found. Has anyone gone to an actual soup kitchen for holiday and fed the hundreds whom wait on line hour or 2 to get in to have a warm so sad. I do this myself every thanksgiving, Christmas..

    Only thing think concerned, not sure of, effects to us, have to do some research, Heard few days ago our ozone levels being compromised…

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