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  • #1143634

    So….obviously we cant stop at baby showers can we? Oh no….we have to copy more and more American ideas and ………HAVE A GENDER REVEAL PARTY!….

    So I have an invitation to one on Sunday…..don’t feel like going….but most of the family will be there, so I wont be missed

    Why not just tell everyone at the shower what gender the baby is and they can by appropriately …..

    I know I have been there done that with popping out little humans…..and I am not trying to be a killjoy……but….c’mone!

    I do hope people will get sick of all this lareyness (if there is such a word) and go back to having a bit of decorum.

    Of course people want to celebrate a new birth but all this in your face Baby Showers and Gender Reveals culminates in people only going because they feel they have to because they were invited and yet again spending out on a load of shizzle they don’t need to or should have to!


    having sly digs at our dearly departed friend after she has passed away is bang out of order you evil creature even for someone as ill minded as you

    You mite not understand this, I’ve tried to remember the whole person.

    Chessy came here for a laff and a moan like so many others. I never heard her complain about her health problems once. Chessy wasn’t that kind of person.

    While I’m sat here drinking my tea wondering what Chessy say about this thread.

    I’d think she say “Rose is making this up, I’m not dead !!! ”

    Fishy you must have known her much better than I thought because with her sense of humour that is exactly what she would be saying !  :rose:

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    lets move onto them admin and mods

    martin yeh been on his yacht,dont really like him tho bit of a bully,always says to me salute me and call me skip fore ye go down on me you peasant

    LD hmm ok not bad for her age,nice inner thighs but to dominatrix for me spose thats why shes a retired teacher but boy can she swish that cane

    NESSIE, yeh no probs with her,but shes all knees if you get my gist

    LE, shes a mystery to me mebbee cod head can enlighten me,reminds me of a song called some girls will some girls wont

    but after a few brandies i conquered her

    last but not least GD prob the fittest bird in here,but by god shes annoying,wakes you up at daft oclock nudging you at half 3,”hey cose whats the longest river in south america?

    me “fck off and oi stop hogging the quilt you scouse tw@t

    got a few more yet laters.

    I now have a whip!


    That was a nice meet Kenty! There was another lady there too and for the life of me I can’t remember her name! She always wanted to ‘Make a difference’ and posted on Pats Chat a lot.

    Just can’t think what her name was!

    Now that has thrown me…no idea who that was….from memory I remember being familiar online with everyone there

    It just came to me …Mims!



    My lovely neighbours putting out my bins for me.

    Can’t be fun moving your nappies 🤢

    Gosh that’s so funny! I’ll probably laugh all day …….. and night.

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    The first person I met from JC was Supergran

    She was dangling out of a train window while I stood on the platform wondering which part of the train to jump on….she was shouting Kenty!! over here…She was with her daughter….and off we went to London for a JC Hen Day

    There I met LD, Lovely Lady, MariaS, Angeldust, Carol (I think), Cath56 (I think), there were more but I cant remember! Maybe LD can jog my memory

    Anyway we went bowling at that famous place of which I’ve also forgotten the name :scratch: I remember buying some socks for Bowling from a shop just outside and moaning how expensive they were….but they did have London on them….and I still have them B-) …never worn them again mind

    We ate…had so much fun…

    Was a very genuine meet, warm, happy and fun

    Just remembered….the Trocadero :good:

    That was a nice meet Kenty! There was another lady there too and for the life of me I can’t remember her name! She always wanted to ‘Make a difference’ and posted on Pats Chat a lot.
    Just can’t think what her name was!


    My lovely neighbours putting out my bins for me.


    I know we all get them and I know we all know they have similar contents but I have not had one for a while and this one I got the other day just made me laugh…infact I kept it and keep reading it….do people still fall for these scams? I’m guessing so hence they are still being sent out….


    my name is Warren E. Buffet, an American business magnate investor and philanthropist. I am the most successful investor in the world. I believe strongly in giving while living. I had one idea that never changed in my mind. That you s should use your wealth to help people. I have decided to give $2’500,000.00 to randomly selected individuals worldwide. On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as a lucky individual.

    Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience before I travel to Japan for my treatment, so I know your email address is valid, email me [email protected]

    thank you for accepting our offer, we are indeed grateful. You can google my name for more information or visit my website (he has a wiki page)

    signed off

    God bless you best regards

    Mr Warren E. Buffet Billionaire investor

    I mean I have definitely gone down in the world, I used to get spam from South African royalty…I guess there comes a time for all of us when we quite simply do not have “it” anymore :unsure:

    So often on my local village Facebook pages people post about warning against scamming phone calls. I just don’t get it myself I would never answer a call that isn’t in my contact list.


    Well kenty f OBE you must know a lot people that must fall for it, to say do people still fall for this scam. As if they don’t know it’s a scam.

    Looks like you will now be inundated with phone calls saying suspicious activity has been spotted on your internet.

    They will fool you into believing they are your supplier, then advise you it’s best to close that account. Then say they will open you a new one. Then they know they have your trust telling you they need your bank details along with your 3 digits. Oh jeeeze 3 minutes later they have transferred your life savings to their off shore bank accounts.

    You skanky bitch I’ll scratch your eyes out when I catch up with you

    Why wait? You profess you know where I live…pop over ..

    Can I come too? I’ll order a take away!


    I just watched the Squid thing the day before it was all over the news! Then I watched the Sausage party because my son told me to! I really don’t know how I feel I about both of them right now !

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